Not the end of the world people!

When you lose the election because you sideline half of the electorate, coming out with “the future is female” is just going to ram home how much they were sidelined.
This sort of thing is divisive and you know that Trumps rabid fans will use this as proof that they were right to vote for him.
Quit with the future is

I’ve worked in offices for the past twenty years here in the UK and I can say with confidence, that if someone makes a mess, male or female, they are the ones that end up cleaning it up.

You’re an idiot. Your country uses the Electoral college and not popular vote method. It’s been fine for every other president before him who you agreed with, but now someone you don’t like won, you whine.
The queen, and I really dislike our parasitical monarchy, will deal with him as she would any other head of

Bercrow is the same guy who sat there happily while Saudi Arabian and Chinese leaders spoke. He hasn’t a leg to stand on and the newspapers over here are already pointing that out.
They have no reason not to let him speak, or visit, when they allow leaders of actual vile regimes do so.
Whether we like him or not, he

Who the hell picks up after men in the office? Is that an American thing? I’ve not seen anyone picking up after men here in the UK except the cleaning staff who are paid to do so.
By not spending money, how many small businesses are you hurting? How many people will lose their jobs because no one is buying the stuff

And he will care why? Serious question. What effect are these protests having on the dictator to be?

THey will. Because there are far more people looking to earn some money than there are willing to strike. A lot of the poorest will lose out here.

I’m sure the people of Iraq and Afghanistan would disagree.

I think you’re reaching. Getting dangerously close to paranoid conspiracy theory land. He’s got plenty of deaths to admit to just from the last year of military actions in the middle east. You don’t need to make stuff up.

The issue is defending those drones strikes because they aren’t as thuggish as outright ordering the death of a journalist or opponent. You can’t honestly hope to defend the US. If we lived in an American 80's action movie, the US would be the bad guys that were trying to stop the good guys.

Say what you will. Putin may kill a few of his journos but look at the deaths from US actions in other countries over the last few decades. Heck, over the last decade alone. There’s a reason that a lot of people hate the US more than Russia.

Yes, he tells the truth. It’s one of the first things he has said that I do actually agree with. The US is full of killers and the government have been the worst ones for years.
There’s a reason that Putin looks reasonable to much of Europe at the moment. Partly because we don’t get the same reports about what he gets

Why do you assume the doctors were male?

Wow.. thats showing great mental health...

Thats a really unhealthy way of trying to cope. You need to learn some real coping skills before you end up doing yourself harm.

Your name is appropriate. It’s disgusting how so many progressives seem to turn to wishing harm when they don’t get their way. I am so disappointed right now, this sort of thing helps no one and makes us all look bad.

Plus in the UK, anyone who wears sunglasses can’t be a native. We all know we only get two hours of actual summertime sunlight a year. The rest of the time it’s overcast, cold and raining. No need for sunglasses.

You are overthinking the importance of the US to the rest of the world. It’s quite arrogant to be honest. Most of us here in the UK had a WTF are they doing moment as we shook our heads at the idea of the likelihood of more American aggression around the world, but at the same time, he’s your president and not ours.

Nothing xenophobic about it. In fact it’s ridiculous how it is being portrayed that way. The majority of people who voted to leave did so for far more reasons than immigration, though I won’t lie, in the areas where you can’t find a job, see a doctor, find somewhere to live, because of an immigration influx of low

I can’t speak for France but in the UK you will be fine. We are far too polite to harrangue random visitors in the street.