Not the end of the world people!

This is just wrong. All these idiots are doing is playing into the hands of Milo -whatever his name is too long to spell without checking -They can stand back and say “see!” and bring this shit up everytime someone has a valid point.
I personally don’t believe in silencing people anyway since that is exactly the

They reserve the seats. Was a big hooha a while ago because someone sat in someone elses seat.
To be fair, to refurbish the place is going to cost the taxpayer a fortune so they can keep the ugly furniture as far as I’m concerned. My tax money can be better spent.

Yep. The wealthy are building bunkers and China’s military are saying war with the US is inevitable.

Beg someone with a chance of winning. HRC lost and her running again won’t miraculously make people vote for her this time.
The corruption of the DNC was and is still there and it needs to get sorted and quick or the Republicans and Trump will keep winning.

You can joke but the Doomsday clock has moved closer to midnight, China’s military are saying war with the US is going to be happening and those in the know are considering the implications of a nuclear war... the wealthy are building bunkers.

This is exactly the problem. A lot of anger about 53% of white women voting for Trump. A lot of anger about the protests being too white. No one seems to be asking where all the black voters were this time. Or why black women didn’t come out to the protests.
You can’t sit there saying “well you didn’t come to my

Totally agree and that’s why these tantrums... sorry, “protests” are giving the Trump voters and the Right a great deal of power. They can keep throwing these pictures up any time they want to show themselves as reasonable and the progressive left as lunatics. Angry, violent lunatics at that.

You are batshit crazy... that is the single most moronic thing I have read in a while and I visited Breitbart not so long ago so see what crap they were writing.

To the rest of the world it just looks like the biggest tantrum in history. Smashing windows, damaging property... these are not how you protest. All they are doing is vindicating the views of all the asshat Trump voters.

The sad thing is, if America would just stop bombing the shit out of everyone for a year and spend a fraction of their defence budget on aiding the poor and dispossessed citizens, it would be a lot more use than slashing the aid budget for Africa.

Oh dear. Three Doors Down has Kryptonite ( a good song) and Here without you.. which is a great song that I love.

Right there with you. I couldn’t give a damn about an adult, but a kid doing this is heartbreaking.

Ghostbusters wasn’t a great film at all but starting out, antagonizing people with the whole “this is a feminist remake” really hurt them. Add to that it was a reboot and wasn’t very good... it was bound to fail.
Oceans 11 is just another Oceans film. It wasn’t as iconic as Ghostbusters and isn’t being specifically

The only outrage I’ve seen about this is here. No one else cares. Ghostbusters was a totally different thing to this.