
You are another idiot that think Sherman is bitching about it *just for himself* while he “drives a Maserati.” Say it with me now: Just because Sherman and a couple of guys came out on top after going through a broken, exploitative system DOES NOT make the system problem-free. Sherman is speaking on behalf of all

uhhhh no. Engineering in particular is notorious for afternoon labs and classes (labs are usually 2-4 hours and always mandatory). Which is what Sherman references pretty much directly. The NCAA is basically ensuring that the most useful/lucrative degree you can get is out of reach. They don’t care about teaching kids

Are you stupid? Just because a select few people managed to come out on top through the NCAA system, doesn’t make the system free from criticism. They aren’t bitching about the things they themselves got out of life, they are bitching about the thousands of other kids who got duped into a system that says “here’s your