Orange Julius Erving

I know it. A 6 is anywhere from 6.999 to 6.000. I’m saying the idea of it is a little weird, even if it isn’t technically wrong.

This reminds me of a tug-a-war video that was posted here like a year ago. It was an old g wagon vs a 1000 hp supra. The supra probably had 3x as much torque, but lost badly. This gtr has over 2000 pounds of torque I believe, but probably couldn’t beat that g wagon either. I’ll admit, i’m not very mechanically

The funny thing is, an s-10 is probably a better car (weight and aero wise) for drag racing than a gtr, even though it’s a truck. The gtr is really being held back by the body and weight. I’d like to see what an s14 with this engine could do.

It’s a 4.4 liter now I believe, with a billet block. It’s running around 70 pounds too I think. They have a video of one of their engines being built on their YouTube page. Pretty cool to watch. Not this engine though, this whole car is a development testbed for the new engine.

Pretty sure it’s still awd, although i’m guessing it’s really rwd biased. There’s are some drag gtrs that are rwd though.

I always thought this was a little weird. When someone says, for example, “I ran an 8!” And they ran an 8.9, it’s a little misleading. There’s a big difference between running an 8.9 and running an 8.1. The difficulty just compounds as you go for lower times.

It was so awkward, I cringed. The only one who seems to know how to show emotion is the driver. Nothing more awkward than going for a fist-bump, and getting an open hand begging for a hi five.

I wish consumer reports would review this thing. “Infotainment: none. No power windows. Windows actually don’t roll down at all. Also don’t seem to be made of glass. Ear splittingly loud, needs more sound deadening. A plethora of odd smells abound. No climate control to speak of. Only one seat for some reason. Not

I wonder what took them so long. They’ve had the power for a while now. Are GTR’s really that inherently heavy? Is it that they kept it AWD? Also, i heard the gtr is really bad, aerodynamics wise, for top speed. Anyone care to shed some light?

So buying a cornucopia of shitty project cars and proceeding to sink additional money into each is poor? No. It’s having a reasonable amount of money, and instead of spending it on a single reliable car, opting to spend it irresponsibly. The real world doesn’t think shitty old cars are charming. Just as the real world

Hannity is a borderline extremist. I don’t get why he isn’t generally considered to be worse than the other fox commentators.

Maybe not second world, but it’s still interesting. The perception around the world is that we’re really rich, but that’s just not true. A select few took all the money and inflate the stats. The average American is hardly loaded. And that’s before we get into institutions. Our roads and infrastructure are shit, our

Anecdotes are the new science!

The rejection of intellectuals is the worst part. Most republicans would rather trust someone they know or someone that thinks like them than a scientist. They value anecdotes more than facts. They like “common sense” and gut feelings more than careful consideration. They’d rather be a factor worker stuck in a dead

Yep. They make their money off of scaring people shitless. It’s not even a partisan thing, either, although i’d say fox engages in more fearmongering than other tv news channels. To some extent, I can’t get too mad at trump voters. If all you did was watch Fox News, you’d probably think America is on the brink of

Sure. Picking up a girl in a yugo or a rusted out jeep is perfectly fine. I’m sure she just thinks you’re quirky!

Yeah. If they find he was a Russian plant, he’s beyond done. If it turns out to be that, it’ll make watergate look minor.

They could freeze him out instead of impeaching him, yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if he acquires a mental or physical health problem, especially if he gets 2 terms (God forbid). He’s over 70, and despite his totally legit doctors claims, he hardly looks healthy.

It’s sad how relatively acceptable islamophobia is in America today. Ever since 9/11, questioning Islam and demonizing Muslims as a whole has been shockingly permitted. I’ve seen way too many radical posts about Islam on mainstream internet outlets. It’s disgusting.

So nobody owns a luxury car because they actually like what it offers? They’re all just badge snobs? Cool.