Orange Julius Erving

Can someone please tell luxury car makers to stop putting carbon fiber accents in their performance suv’s? The interior in a new c300 looks much more premium than a new c63. I want my luxury car to have leather that Looks like leather, and wood trim. I definitely don’t want alacantara steering wheels, black seats with

Anyone who buys a cla/gla is buying it for the badge. But a new c300 is a pretty good deal imo. If you have your finances together, there’s nothing wrong with buying a luxury car.

I agree. As a 20 year old, i’m very interested Mercedes, and will probably get one after i’m solidly in a career if my finances permit it. Thing is, I don’t like Mercedes because they’re a symbol, because they’re impressive, because they’re expensive, etc. I like the styling (subjective) and I like their commitment to

Of brand recognition. One Mercedes commercial isn’t designed to make you go buy a Mercedes right then and there, but a lifetime of commercials presenting Mercedes as the standard for luxury cars is. (Sorry I sent this message in two parts btw, i’m still getting used to kinja and I accidentally pressed send)

This. Commercials (outside of maybe fast food ads, but even they have a long game angle to them) aren’t designed to make you rush out of your seat and go buy whatever is being advertised. It’s a lifelong buildup

You’re assuming a jalop would understand nuance and subconscious brand attribution. They’d rather be force-fed the dodge demon campaign than this. They’d also rather buy 10 shitty project cars instead of a new Mercedes. This commercial is targeting young-ish people that are growing up into the next stage or adulthood.

Yeah. These are a good idea in NYC, Chicago, and here in SF. Not so much in a lot of other major American cities though.

It’s kinda like that in SF now too. Manhattan and SF and the 2 most densely populated cities in America, so it makes sense (fun fact, SF is actually more densely populated than NYC as a whole. I live in the Bay Area, but I didn’t know that until recently.

Yeah. Even though they’ll never formally say it, the biggest draw to the Republican Party is the hatred of nonwhites. Their immigration, fiscal, and defense policies all come back to a common ethos: keep nonwhites out, oppress the ones that are already in. I talked about this in a post I made the other day, but trumps

As a warriors fan, the organization and fanbase have a borderline religious fixation on former players. During the post we-believe, pre monta trade era, the announcers would spend half the game talking about former players. And keep in mind, the monta/curry era wasn’t good basketball, but it was far from boring. Yet

That’s more realistic, yeah. They don’t need to impeach him to render him a non-factor. As for the approval ratings, i’m interested to see what they could bottom out at. There are a lot of hardcore trumpers, but they are also the ones who would get fucked hard by trumps cuts. I have a lot of family in areas of the

I wonder at what point would his approval rating make it hard for him to continue being president? 30%? 25%? At what point would the repubs move to impeach him to save their asses in the next election?

No hyperbole, on a typical day I think he just watches tv and takes some calls, maybe has a small meeting. He’s an incredibly lazy president.

Hmm, I wonder why Fox News didn’t ask for all those “second ammendment crusaders” who made videos of them shooting at a cutout of obamas face at the range to be killed.

Didn’t he claim it would cost 2 billion at one point? Bull fucking shit. Even the 25 billion number is a drop in the bucket. Especially considering he wants it to be able to withstand a heavy blow torch for 30 minutes (at which point the Mexicans will give up of course, because they’re definitely lazy).

I can’t believe anyone actually believes that trump cares about this country. He’s either doing this for business interests, or because it’s just something to do. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. And that includes his children.

How great would it be if a Mexican company won the contract, took all of the American taxpayer money with them, and purposely built the wall badly? Either make it so it won’t hold up to the weather, or (more bombastically) mix explosives in with the concrete. That would be the best possible outcome here.

He’s gonna waste a hell of a lot of money. The only type of wall that would actually work is a Berlin Wall type of affair. And building an entire modern rendition of the Berlin Wall, complete with guards every couple thousand feet or so, along the entire border would be insanely expensive. And obviously there’s the

In case someone would say “well actually......”

Well yeah. I just said 99 out of 100