
They probably like Star Wars, too :)

Considering the number of Disney Star Wars projects over the last few years, I don't think we've seen the last of that long ago and far away Galaxy by a long stretch.

How is anyone supposed to buy that the movie mentions Trump, as it is set "A Long, Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away?" Anyone tweeting rumors like that would have to think Twitter was full of fools. (Deliberate leg pull, anyone?)

He didn't endorse the Civil War. He said that the Constitution put the Second Amendment in for a reason, as it was just after the Revolution and the Colonists had used their weapons against the tyrannical government of the King far off in London. It was an endorsement of the American Revolution, not the Civil War.

Offensive politics? I wonder if the same reviewer got mad about George H.W. Bush being put on the Hangar 18 poster? Mustaine doesn't care who he offends, and that makes him the better artist.

Pet Semetary II: Electric Petaloo