It sounds like a mashup between the themes of “The Munsters” and “Get Smart.” Which works, I guess.
It sounds like a mashup between the themes of “The Munsters” and “Get Smart.” Which works, I guess.
Thanks for the article on this documentary. I didn’t know they existed. But coincidentally, I’ve been saying that there will be an underground group that will help women get abortions, if it comes to that. Never underestimate the creativity and resourcefulness of women.
What teenage boy keeps a calendar like this? What adult man keeps it 30+ years later?
I wouldn’t want to have to vote for Bloomberg, but I would consider voting for Miguel Bloombito.
There are many reasons why I won’t go on any roller coaster, and one of them is that if I got stuck like this, I know I’d have to go to the bathroom, really bad, in a matter of minutes.
As someone who used to camp out overnight to get Springsteen tickets, I have to ask: what did you do when you needed a loo?
Boycott whoever advertises on a Sinclair station, and be sure to tell them why.
If I live to be 83, I will never ever ever become that unenlightened.
Thank you. Way before he had presidential aspiration, I (and a lot of others) were furious at his cut-and-run bullshit in Atlantic City, a place that desperately needs decent businesses and development.
Very Oedipal!
Oh, good point! I forgot about Bran’s ability to see all. When Jon returns to Winterfell, Brann will probably tell him. That might be a good episode.
I have a feeling Jon Snow and Daenerys will wind up together some how, and it does squick me out because they’re blood relations. I’ll bet they never find that out, though.
I know this is really shallow of me, but any time I see an octopus, I suddenly feel better about my own looks. I mean, I guess I’m grateful that I came out on the human end of the evolutionary scale.
Is anyone in the Republican Party normal any more?
I was not aware of that fact. Thank you!
Don’t forget that it was the Starz series “Outlander” that gave us Tobias Menzies’ full frontal. I know I haven’t.
I get the feeling she was about to divorce him and then he got into the race for the Republican nomination. At that point, he made sure she didn’t.
“White Bear” is awesome. What a great twist-did not see that coming.