Jersey Boy

Don’t get me wrong, I find humor in this list, however it does serve to normalize The Trump Apocalypse. I believe this is how it will happen, and unfortunately it is not terribly funny:

I know, right? White Privilege has now gotten to the point that whiteness itself is choking the life out of non-privileged, brown communities. This is as true in health care as it is in housing. Detroit, Chicago, Newark... There is quite literally a genocide going on right under our noses. Can we finally do

The reason this is a big news story is because it almost never happens anymore. Fights and other acts of violence would occur regularly in the NBA prior to the Lebron Era. The NBA has isolated the sport from the tangential violence and in doing that has made the league more popular than ever. Now if only hockey

Hillary would have won if the Russians didn’t hack the election and force her to lose. The Russians literally stole the first woman president from we the American people.