
It’s not so much that he dislikes technology, it’s just that he wants to decide where it should stop. Why use a wireless phone at all? And typewriters...why not go back to etching with charcoal?

Who indeed...Dolt.

When someone asks “what am I going to tell my daughter?”, they are betraying more about their lack of parenting skills than a problem with a toy.

Egads, really? Moving parts cause wear? Damn, now they’ll have to shut the entire project down. They must have forgotten. Good thing you chimed in to remind them, otherwise, well, you know...

Sorry to be that guy, but if you’re going to attempt to use “to wit”, you should know that it is always followed by a colon, the same as you would do when using “for example:”,

Says someone who likely has considerably less of both, the proof of which is his need to school those with considerably more.

My thoughts exactly. If politics is what brought her down, she’s obviously not good at, um, politics, yet wants us to elect her to an office which is dominiated by, um, that. Not much more needs to be said on this subject.