
It seemed like it was more something that just happened or something she did without warning. My first thought was that she squirted and he, being a bit of a prude, freaked out. But that seems a bit unlikely, so my theory is that she took a dump on the bed and tried to make him eat it.

Lin certainly pulled off a look that ties in well with the previous story. Some of the interstitial shots seemed to be a bit too faithful and rote (freeway bright yellow-gray stripe against field of black, oil refinery a medusa of sodium yellow-orange pipes in black ocean). But i also loved that last shot, the zoom

Unfortunately that sort of try-hard poignancy is used so often in TV and movies to indicate wisdom and sagacity that when it is seemingly meant to be taken as it would in real life, as an indication of blowing hard, it can instead give a taste of hack writing and an unintended view of the character.

I think all three of the main men are gay. Kitsch, Velcoro, and Semyon. Semyon's wife is a beard. The triangle of Semyon's wife, Semyon's aide, and Semyon himself has numerous possibilities at this point (I'm leaning toward wife is sister of aide who is Semyon's lover and devoted factotum.)

While it hasn't officially been assigned the role, "legit" is recognized as an adverb. Interestingly, when the abbreviation first came into use it was used as an adjective and as a noun. The adjective is still with us; the noun has faded away. But if we gain a new adverb at the cost of a noun then I think we've come