
No. It is not only preferrable, but proper to refer to the humours prior to any attempt to return them to melancholy. Or else what do we have? Chaos, that’s what. Is that the kind of world you wish to live in? I think not, good sir.

Excuse me, it’s “humours”, thank you very much.

For all of his one-in-a-lifetime skill, he plays dirty and does things that someone of his skill should not do. From dirty shots to peoples balls to behavior more fitting of a third or fourth line goon, Crosby can’t rise about the petty bullshit.

or just play berserker on repeat...

Goose Gossage scoffs at those numbers, claiming any asshole can do that in only 238 IP

Yes. He should be careful in his non-hockey winter sports, since I’ve heard he’s no gretsky-er, and an injury at this point could make a messier situation than they’ve had in years.

Have you read this site, or blog, before?

No, for the following reasons:

Carthage had it coming.

Fuck you! Let’s fight!

Especially these types of admissions which go to the heart of the dispute, which would otherwise make the Notice to Admit (or whatever it’s called in that jurisdiction) subject to a Motion for a Protective Order.

Why the hate for Charlie Batch?

Yes, by all means, take up the banner of national socialism.

There must be a better way to celebrate those who ushered in free agency.

As per the new administration, I believe Korematsu made it so the fenced in enclosure for the yips is perfectly acceptable.

This is, in fact, more important than a 50 goal season.

That’s just the follow through on the practice swing.

Starred my comment two years after the compliment. I like the cut of your jib, sir.

“I have become death, the destroyer of phones.”

Except there, Chiarelli merited being fired.