Pictured - LeBron Free Agency Circus:
Pictured - LeBron Free Agency Circus:
Watched the game with six co-workers. Only one had any idea about the game. All I heard out of the co-workers was a litany of "we're not playing enough offense. Why aren't we attacking." Explanation of the defend and counter-attack strategy was useless. Really have the thank the Belgian team though - lack of…
Billy King, is that you?
Judging by some of the items on that bill, he's one step ahead of you.
/talking about Heineken
A guy who when the pressure is "off" plays to his potential. Bradley is the guy who can't function when the pressure is on because he's in his own head too much. Great during international play, shits the bed when needed during the WC.
Iginla to Colorado.
See, I took that to mean that after years of trying and failing to get back into the bosom of the one place where he was accepted and praised, that Jay would one day look out the window with that smirk which used to punctuate his commentary, only this time the smirk doesn't stay. The corners of his pursed lips would…
This. This right here.
Do you think the ghost-writer had to intentionally dumb it down? When I was in college and wrote other people's papers for $, I'd occasionally get drunk first to make sure it was the appropriate level...
Employees of David Glass called out for acting like David Glass.
Looked like spain and brazil. 2 flags.
Is it me, or is this kid's head abnormally large?
This is causing me to fight my own personal battle of the bulge.
"Para aplastar a tus enemigos, verlos impulsado antes de ti, y escuchar el lamento de sus mujeres."
/taps fingers together
This last one might be a bit much...
"There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things and because it takes a man's life to know them the little new that each man gets from life is very costly and the only heritage he has to leave."
"Country people poor things they never saw an auto before lots of them honk the horn Candace so She wouldn't look at me they'll get out of the way wouldn't look at me your father wouldn't like it if you were to injure one of them I'll declare your father will simply have to get an auto now I'm almost sorry…
Lucky for us nerds, school weeded out you idiots. Now make sure you put the trash can back under my desk in the same spot tonight, would ya chief? Thanks.