Scott Walker

Ken Kratz fairtales shows he is the sicko. he tells how he kills the girl

Usually when a person's guilt can't be proven (or has not
yet been proven or disproven) in a court of law, it is assumed that they are
innocent. But in the court of public opinion it tends to be the exact opposite.
The public (or even the authorities) are convinced you're guilty; they just
don't have enough hard evidence

Usually when a person's guilt can't be proven (or has not
yet been proven or disproven) in a court of law, it is assumed that they are
innocent. But in the court of public opinion it tends to be the exact opposite.
The public (or even the authorities) are convinced you're guilty; they just
don't have enough hard evidence

I understand drunks condone drinking druggies condone drugs . I also understand why you support perverted justice . Your a flaming Pervert

Criminal defense attorneys say U.S. courts have given police plenty of freedom in the ways they can extract information from suspects. Police can interview minors without parental consent. They can imply they have evidence they don't have, a technique called baiting. They can employ the "good cop, bad cop" routine to

“Liars Club.” These
are professional perjurers who travel around the country testifying for DOJ
prosecutors. The Liars Club includes FBI Chemist, to Special Agents. Their
exper­tise at fabricating testimony to use before grand juries and during trial
is their greatest value.

cCRIMINALs “Liars Club.” These are professional perjurers who travel around the country testifying for DOJ
prosecutors. The Liars Club includes FBI Chemist, to Special Agents. Their
exper­tise at fabricating testimony to use before grand juries and during trial
is their greatest value.

“Liars Club.” These
are professional perjurers who travel around the country testifying for DOJ
prosecutors. The Liars Club includes FBI Chemist, to Special Agents. Their
exper­tise at fabricating testimony to use before grand juries and during trial
is their greatest value.

Lots of evidence was left out. The fact the DA Kratz was a sexual predator before during and after the trial. Kratz admitted in you tube clip type averys das bullshit Kratz admits Lenk and Colbern killed and burned Teresa all left out of the trial. The only person in this documentary with a sexual assault record is

the officer testified and so did Kratz when they put the key in the car it started right up. It was in the DOCUMENTARY.. Why is this article misleading the honest people to protect who ? This is government public relation firm

Ken Kratz the District attorney said for decades I was not sexually assualting these women even his text were exposed . The local media lied and protected Kratz the brotherhood for decades until a national media exposed the text of Kratz . It took a good looking girl beat to a pulp to get Kratz removed and to stop his