Jerry of Garcia

“Israelis are modern hard working people, who value there families lives. No Arab nations, no matter how small is comparable”

Biden was right fifteen years ago, we should have immediately broken the country into three equal states under a weak central government and translating to full independence over time.

They refused to grant immunity to us forces, It’s that simple really. If our troops are to be subject to Iraqi laws and “justice” then we must leave.

We’re talking about a country that is almost entirely illiterate and have basically no real education

Reagan cut and ran after the Marine Corps barrack was blown up in Beirut.

Then we deal with that attack at the time, there is no perfectly safe system in this life. Spending unlimited amounts of blood and treasure to catch the edge cases is reckless.

If they don’t grow poppies they go broke, which leads to more violence

Israelis are modern hard working people, who value there families lives. No Arab nations, no matter how small is comparable

There will always be failed states, let’s spend the money on preventing attacks against the west... not continually killing people whose relatives now want to kill us even more, and justifiably so.

We can mine those at home if we choose, it’s just cheaper to by them from China right now.

The last thing they or we need is a the

Recycling and plant based plastics are available,in Amy case we will still need some but like lees than one percent.

Even if it’s the tailban?

No one in history has ever stabilized Afghanistan.

Those countries had a history as a united nation and were mainly homogeneous. Democracy is hard and fragile, they simply don’t value it like we do.

No the “country” isn’t real, it’s tribes who all hate each other and modernity.

So we stay forever?

Real countries that have a history of civilization.

Those systems were never fully operational.