I don’t think he is referencing actual religious or tradtional cultural ‘pacifists’ but the rest of the population passively getting on the cattle cars to our doom...
I don’t think he is referencing actual religious or tradtional cultural ‘pacifists’ but the rest of the population passively getting on the cattle cars to our doom...
Downing Street officials claimed the president’s phobia of stairs and slopes led him to grab the prime minister’s hand as they walked down a ramp at the White House,” the paper reported Sunday.
Their weird desire for safe spaces is odd. Dissent is vilified, justice is mocked, and they want everyone to keep quiet.
Which way to the cattle cars? I want to get there early, would t want to inconvenience any fascists.
Strikes don’t work if no one is inconvenienced... this seems so simple to me.
As it is the choice to resist.
So leave Vlaad...
And ones who didn’t have anything to do with 9/11 or hiding Bin Laden.
They certainly have the legal right to deactivate their service at JFK for however long they would like, there’s no rule that a company has to do business in areas they don’t want too.
If no one took a risk by striking the world would be a far crueler and I just place.
This is still America, the right of protest and to strike is a bedrock principle that has done much to make our nation great. This ineffective order is the beginning of a fight for the future of the republic. The vast majority of these taxi drivers are from Muslim nations and are at increased danger as the racists…
He grabbed her hand, on purpose, as a power play to fuck her domestically. He is a genius at that shit...
It will be a trade system... the more liberals who come in the more republican Californians will want to leave.
Not saying he wasn’t a great sailor but he was never elected president or Vice President, a distinction uniquely his own.
We have three, they were cancelled and replaced by the Virginia Class. Sea wolf is superior but was to expensive.
The coast guard does not charge for a rescue if your life is in danger, there is no attempt to recoup costs. If you aren’t in life threading danger than they will simply ignore you. Many people think that the CG will tow your boat to shore if you break down but they won’t unless your about to wreck.
I live in a suburb of Memphis that is the headquarters of FedEx and thus my local area is more modern than most of the surrounding areas.