Jerry of Garcia

This year Hanukkah starts on Christmas Eve, so it’s more relevant than normal.

Do none of you have a fat cat? All these healthy looking kitties are making Charlie self conscious. He demands final approval on food, pictures, etc... he can open my bedroom door and will sit on my neck until he is fed... thankfully he’s a house cat so most don’t know my shame...

Slight difference... ducks and deer would be extinct or close without hunters to pay for and defend there habitat. There were basically no deer at all in Tennessee in 1945 now with hunters help there is an excess. Because we have removed there natural predators deer need culling for their own benefit so as not to

Except no hunting in national parks

Hunting non endangered animals is okay as the fees they pay are one of the prime funding mechanisms for wildland protection. Mountain lions should be reintroduced to the east thoug which will help with deer. What I don’t support is limiting natural predators expansion or reintroduction to please hunters. Grizzlies

Sorry won’t happen again

Agreed, I’m a big fan of use fees for conservation. The joke was no rules or guidelines for having a child exist, not that regulations in general are wrong, in fact I think humans can’t be trusted collectively but especially as individuals, there is much evidence that the richer a person gets the less empathetic they

Sorry, I’m the asshole, I’d dismiss myself but I can’t, maybe Hannah can?

Too many memes... I’d delete them if I could, I get wasted and this happens. Was supposed to be funny as in excess idiocy... I wasn’t trying to be offensive, just posting some stupid shit, so sorry to all.

I’m done now...

My sarcasm filter is barely functional when Operational and I think it’s in for repairs... I’m pretty sure most people are giving me shit for meme spam, but then I read your post and think maybe my ill considered memes have a following...

Err... it is I, that is the culprit, not innocent mtwitter... sorry I went meme crazy.

Perfect level of limbo tastelessness