Jerry of Garcia

Metric is not accepted in aviation, in fact American units are used throughout the world. Altitude is never given in meters but feet the same goes for speed not km/h but mp/h or knots, a nautical mile.

For reference your picture is a C-17 the small one in the picture above. The big boned girl in back is a C-5.

He left for

He left 10 days ago for

That's the Buran, Soviet shuttles external fuel tank.


I love the copy and paste 16 cfts on the 35. Those aren’t the real tanks anyways in fact it’s looking like their won’t be a drop tank for the 35 because it already has so much fuel and drop tanks usually only provide about half of their rated capacity the other half is to drag them through the sky.

On the search for the dearly departed Rogoway.

Just saw your username... To bad your namesake only flew once with no people on board... Still quite an accomplishment for the Soviets at the time.

Actually if the Norwegians F-35 squadron wasn’t training in the US right now and if it had an internal cargo carrier it would have been far faster. With twice as much fuel and not external stores creating drag it could have gone supersonic and flown at a comfortable Mach 1.3 instead of Mach .9 the Viper with tanks can

The USAF does not use them mainly because they only came online in the last 15 years after we had stopped buying the Viper. Since we have the F-15E for long range it is less of a necessity than for smaller air forces. With the F-35 carrying more internal fuel than a Viper with drop tanks and conformal fuel by a good

Here’s the Cargo pod that was used mounted on an F-16 and one of the orders style as well.

Nice find I was just going to post my version on this story at

Most Viper pilots have never gone faster than Mach 1.5..

The Answer is always Super Hornet...

Those numbers are fantasy land... Rafale and typhoon are far more expensive than F-35 the fighter they will end up buying in the end.