Jerry of Garcia

It’s unlikely that they will cost 550 million each even if you exclude R&D costs. I imagine if they make the full 100 we will be lucky to have the total program cost less than 1oo billion. The total program cost for the 22 was 60 billion for 187 planes that weighed 43,000lbs, the 35 is 400 billion for 2,750 29,000

B-2 was designed in the late 70s to early eighties and was the reason Carter cancelled the b-1a along with the fact that by then Mach 2 penetration wasn’t going to beat soviet air defenses. He was criticized by Reagan, who didn’t know about the b-2, in his rush to build up the military they built 100 b-1bs. They were

Start treaty allowed only 100 nuclear capable bombers, this is why the b-1 which originally only carried nukes was switched to conventional only. We cut up 300+ b-52s to get to 80 plus 20 b-2s.

AFAIK the b-21 is to be smaller than b-2 but I don't think we know that it will have a smaller payload yet.

B-3 organ is such an amazing instrument.

Not really its not allowed by treaty and never carried external weapons before the treaty. B-1 75,000, b-52 70,000, b-2 50,000

Japan's got a carrier that will likely carry 35s as well and Singapore is a likely b model customer.

It’s called the f-35b and there is no logical argument that it is not better than the harrier in every way. range, speed, survivability, weapons loads, safety, stealth, sensors, etc.

They of course still have harriers... They’ve had them for 35 years.

They of course still have hundreds of harriers and will for years. The 35 being an upgrade in all ways to harrier is the least controversial statement you can make.

Yes and this is really a budget trick to knack the can down the road. A drawdown that will allow the next president to keep the 10 or follow the plan.


They don't want them, never have.

Neither the army or the marines have any interest in the a-10, not now and not when it was built. It’s also true that Israel, Korea, Nato countries, etc... none of them wanted or purchased them.

Well they all look stupid... I included it to show that some paint jobs are worse than horrifically boring grey low vis.

It’s the American people who elected the president twice... Deal with it. You are 1 for 6 in the popular vote in the last 24 years and thankfully scalias is dead so you won’t get the Supreme Court to save you again.

Not sure what you mean... I’ve seen the nasa yf-12a, yf-12c, AF Sr-71a, Sr-71b do air shows at Edwards.

I miss all of our middle eastern dictators... There is no rational optimism left, we were clearly better off with Qaddafi, Saddam, Mubarak, etc in power.

Saudi oil has never been for us... It's for Europe and Japan that we have done all this for. Mind you it's a global market.