
No one is allowed to say anything bad about the NFL. Recall back a few years when Bill Simmons was suspended by ESPN. Said suspension was not for being a sanctimonious prig (which he is) but because he had the audacity to call out Goodell and the NFL. You cannot speak ill of dear leader Mr. Roger.

As a parent of a young gymnast you can be damn sure we are keeping a close eye for any shit in her gym. Ain’t no “internal investigation” going to keep me from taking a coach out that does this to my kid. No scholarship or international competition is worth it.

Excellent take. I had thought “Infinite Jest” but your’s is so much more depressing.

I would love to buy streaming of the races. I have cable basically just for F1 - a few other items I like but could do without. As long as online is less than my $70/month cable bill I’m in baby.

Nebraska Florida State 1994 Orange Bowl. For starters the Huskers should have won anyway because no fucking way was there a clip on the punt return in the first half. Talk about a gut punch to the dick by the refs (yeah, I mixed my metaphor). I still wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about

Now that is what an F1 car is supposed to sound like. They are meant to hurt your fucking ears. God I miss the V12/V10 era.

Thoughts to his family, teammates and friends. Spare a thought for the driver as well. Seems over the years the motorcycles have been taking more and more chances - likely for a picture or better TV shot. I suppose the blame really needs to lie with the UCI for not cracking down, TV for trying to get that better shot

We live in Australia and they offer the shots to all girls in grade 7 - and I’m talking in her public school - shots were done in what passes for gym class. I’m sure you could opt out but according to the kid all of her friends got the shots. There are certainly anti-vax nutjobs here but most people don’t have a