Curt Wilde

I'm Bernie For You.

Everything they've done that I rnjoy is because of Brian Eno and/or Daniel Lanois and their production. Other than that, a resounding "Meh".

No Albert Ayler or Primordial. This list is lacking.

I concede that your points have merit, and I probably will vote for HRC. It is really frustrating, though. I have always been to the left of the party mainstream, and it has been so great hearing a candidate (Senator Sanders) speaking in a manner that reflects my principles and ideals.

This is the sort of post which makes me wish that disqus allowed multiple upvotes.

Mike Watt
Sarah Silverman
Matt Pike
Seth Rogen
John Hodgman

You are both wise and potent.

I can't wait for this.

Get schwifty! Wubba dub dub!


I liked em both.

My aunt used to say "crummy muffins", using a tone and inflection that communicated "cocksucking motherfucker".

The missus and I attended their Solid Sound festival last summer, and lots of sexy shenanigans ensued in our tent post-show.

Just do another Probot record.

The Relic Master, by Christopher Buckley. It's set in 16th century Germany, and is about the title character conspiring with Albrecht Durer to fake the burial shroud of Christ.

Brilliant, moving episode. Still managed to be very funny. My favorite line was when Pops insisted that The Bobcats were "Panther adjacent"!


When I was in college there was a delivery service in Amherst called Sugar Jones. You'd phone them, and they'd deliver a dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies right to your door.

I also have only curt answers to offer.

Thanks for the Pynchon shout-out.