Curt Wilde


What about Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man" or Hubert Selby Jr.'s "Last Exit to Brooklyn". I'd argue that both capture the same essential "Americanness" that one finds in "To Kill a Mockingbird".

Give them a really good kiss. Minimalist, and should get your point across.

Liked for your quick wit. I deplore the existence of that law!

Wht s p wth ll ths bnds wth n vwls n thr nms?

The splinter scene is unbelievable, and that's especially amazing when you consider that it happens in a movie with a shark versus zombie underwater fight scene!

Do not, I repeat, do not Google "rosebud porn". It's centered around prolapses, and yes, I am horrified by it.

He lives in Canada.

I was watching the first season of Penny Dreadful, then I watched The Claim. That's a lot of consumptive 1890's prostitutes to see in one afternoon!

I had nightmares, just from the Mad magazine parody of The Amityville Horror. There was a panel with black gunk in the sink and toilet, and I was disturbed by that.

Mirrors and LSD. Never a good combination.

Not only do I frequently stop at ramshackle gas stations in the middle of nowhere, I also buy deviled eggs at them.

Well, of course. That was an unstated, but essential, part of the project from the beginning.

I used to run a vegetarian restaurant and juice bar in Amherst, Massachusetts. Once, Beck came in with Nina Persson and Kim Gordon (who was a regular). Nina looks at the menu and says (in a heavy Swedish accent), "No, this will not do. I must have meat." Beck and Kim stayed, for carrot juice and a bowl of chili.

Sinister was a great pg-13 supernatural horror flick, largely because of Ethan Hawkes great acting. Sinister 2 was terrible, and not only because of no Hawke. The "evil kids" thing is such a tired trope. Also, what the hell kind of accent was the main actress (whose name is alliterative, but escapes me right now)

TBH, I'd prefer a BLT.

I'm pretty sure Nudeador uses passenger pigeons to send his missives, so that's my preferred form of delivery.

He really should publish a book. The Life and Times of Nudeador Viking The Third. It would be bound in Morocco Leather and would be illustrated with woodcuts.

Zero interest in the Power Rangers, but Elizabeth Banks totally gives me a boner, so I was happy to see this.
