Curt Wilde

Svetlana's boobs tho….

Nascent sharts.

Well, the good thing is there's so much great music that it's possible to set that one painful song aside until one can decide to either discard it or to reclaim it!

I had "Into My Arms" played as part of the ceremony for my first marriage. That marriage dissolved into a nightmare over the next decade, and now I can't hear that song without feeling nauseous. Which is too bad, because it's a lovely, genuinely romantic song!

Life: Lust for Life, by Iggy.
Love: My wife and I dated for three years in high school. Rattle and Hum, by U2, had just come out, and the album was our soundtrack. We broke up when we went off to college. Each of us had horrendous long term relationships with partners that we were remarkably incompatible with. We

I'm still mad at you guys for that.

I waver between fascination and disgust when I am confronted with the whole race-play and bbc cuckold thing. On the one hand, it's among/between consenting adults, on the other hand, it's entirely based on feelings of shame and humiliation, and the pleasure derived from those feelings, rooted in gross stereotypes and

Dan Clowes did the theater posters for Happiness.

I haven't seen the movie, so I can't comment on its strengths or weaknesses.

I only buy new vinyl if it's too rare or expensive to get the original. The only new, new records that I have pocked up in the last year were by my tried and true faves- Bowie, Jolie Holland, Ufomammut, Lightning Bolt, and Tortoise.

Brand new vinyl ranges from $18 to $40. I think that consumers are going with critically lauded releases over untested new material, which can be had for under !10 as a download.

Fury Road should have swept ALL the awards. It was the best film of the past year!

Krautrock Thread: Neu!, Can, Faust, Kraftwerk, Cluster. Bowie was deeply influenced by these bands during his Berlin period, as was Iggy Pop during his recording of The Idiot and Lust for Life. What are your experiences with your first exposures to Krautrock?

Tin Machine was a Stooges by way of Sonic Youth tribute. Neil Young ploughed a similar furrow about 10 years later. Both were equally satisfying, in my humble opinion.

I couldn't agree more. You should tear into life, just as I have. A lust for life has much to recommend!

My doctoral dissertation was on the topic of group decision making in groups without formally appointed leaders, and my findings suggest that listening and mutual respect/empathy are integral to effective problem solving.

*Googles "Aunt Cass Big Hero 6 Rule 34"*

Who doesn't "believe" in dinosaurs? Even Young-Earth Creationists think that the fossils were put there by God to test our freewill and ability to worship him unquestionably.

Absolutely! I have a good friend who's entire family boycotted her wedding, while her partner's entire family came. It was more painful for her than if nobody but close non-family friends had come.

It's like the old Penthouse Forum: "I never thought that it would happen to me…"