Curt Wilde

A.) Listening to music, talking about the day with my wife.
B.) I can't think of a time that I have had sex where I would categorize it as genuinely "bad". Sometimes it was quick, sometimes it was like junk food or another guilty pleasure, but it was always enjoyable and I never felt badly about myself or the other

Although, independent coffee shops have much more attractive baristas. Not sure why that is, but I've definitely noticed.

But all that is required for them to think that you are "cool" is being white.

And be absolutely certain that everything that is contained in your briefs is lengthy.

Also, a woman that will have sex with men and women, but not with the one calling her a slut.

Edit: Killed IN this segment. He was really funny and on the mark.

Killer Mike "ahem." killed this segment.


You must have loved "Four Rooms", then. I know I did!

1987 Axl would do it. 1995 Axl, no.

The Panthers are presented in a complex, nuanced way. I think that the historical notes are spot on so far.

The collected comments of Nudeador Viking the Third need to be published, in a handsome Moroccan leather volume, with illustrations!

What if the Kinsey Scale was like a mood ring, and there was a touch-sensitive strip that you put your finger on, which would then show where you are along the continuum?

I agree. It seems like there is a lot more gender essentialism and stereotyping than genuine fluidity going on there.

I Googled, just to check, and sure enough…

They're wearing manta-ray skin leather, though.

My Bloody Valentine, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ride, Slowdive, Mazzy Star… all shoegaze.

I thought it was because of all the effects pedals those bands used. They had to gaze at their shoes to be sure that they had the right mix of echo, delay, and fuzz.

I play the guitar, and I once had a guy ask me if I could teach him how to play "Hotel California", because, according to him, "on the acoustic it would be a real panty-dropper". For the record, the answer was a firm no.

Snake People.