Jerry Springer

Your right. America doesnt kill journalists. We are 1 up. What we do is discredit them and ruin their careers if they dont walk the line. So yes, we are morally superior as we dont have to kill them to get our propaganda out to the public. Real journalists are brushed under the carpet, especially when they report on

…bold assertion that Vladimir Putin, a man who has demonstrably killed people, is “a killer.”

Wow… finally someone with a reasonable understanding of things. And if you ask me, that Litivenko jerk deserved to die. He thought he could betray his country and hide in England to evade justice.

Go online and see the thousands of horrendous images of people starving to death in Yemen. For the greater good right? That's why those KIDS HAVE TO DIE?

Yeah…team Hillary the moral superior ultra intellectual and her "in" crowd…. yet they had to conspire with the DNC against Bernie Sanders to win the nomination. America is a shining model of democracy. Or is that Plutocracy? Oligarchy? The "D" word doesn't stand up to scrutiny in American Federal politics.

So is Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Blair, amongst others.

In America they get framed or found guilty of some "Crime" and spend life in prison instead.

What is it that Putin does that needs denouncing? Have you seen modern Chechnya? How would the US react if Boston took up arms against it? I wonder.

America doesn't kill dissidents. It jails them for life. Much more humane living in a black hole.

…bold assertion that Vladimir Putin, a man who has demonstrably killed people, is “a killer.”

No no no… The US is far better at killing than Russia.

And apparently that's what Putin does? CNN told you so, right?

What bad guys? You mean the countless of innocent civilians in Japan, or Korea, or Vietnam? What about all the weddings being bombed in Afghanistan? How many bad guys did the US kill when it bombarded a news team in Iraq with hellfire missles with an Apache helicopter on accident? How many innocent people are dying

…bold assertion that Vladimir Putin, a man who has demonstrably killed people, is “a killer.”