Jerry Li

tbh clickers are absolutely horrible. So glad i was able to rent one instead of buying one for 30$. Since after my first semester of college I have not needed to use it ever since.

Now thats a proper flash bang, why isnt any one funding this.

Primary colors go for other primary colors cause its their primary objective.

Is it just me or does that look like the triforce symbol.

Why did the chicken cross road?

Cause it was getting hot and steamy.

But that's cyber.

Look son the Soviets beat the US to the wearables game.

I feel your pain see if the IT department will allow you to get a X1 carbon those are extremely nice and similarly priced to the Surface.

Thinkpads are built like a tank. You toss it across the room and just get a couple scratches on the back panel.

Or just "borrow" your coworker's when they are not looking.

Are the keys mechanical or buckling springs?

Haters are going to hate without any worthwhile experience with something their peers negatively view because they have no ability to create quantifiable judgement of their own.

Mr. Gates deserves more respect than to be called "poop chugging."

Hearthstone works fine with a touchpad :)

Big props to the FCC for manning the hell up and growing a pair of balls if they charge at least half of that 917 billion dollars. The rest to be paid through community service. :)

Hmm if the retailer that you bought it from is nice they might pricematch it for you. Just take a screenshot of the current price at $30

Would love to see more fashionable designs, but being both iOS and Android compatible is more important

Hmm look for small square/circle blocks stuck to the ceilings or walls. They will most likely have blinking lights and bit of wire coming out of it.

I honestly have never heard of Oscar Meyer making bacon, but I can vouch for the Bacon from Kirkland/costco. So fricking good.

You know that could be offesnsive to aliens.