Vandelay Industries

Thanks for taking 3 post and 600 words to prove my point.

FYI: I'm much older then you're assuming and I think its safe to say your much younger than I am.

haha yep you nailed it.


EURO whores?

LOW 70's!?!

This seems like promotional for the new M line...

these FIGURES are not even REMOTELY accurate.

On the contrary...the BMW M3 was always designed to be and should be the Mid Level PERFORMANCE Sedan (2+2) destined to win cup championships. NOT a GT/German Muscle Car which is basically what the E92 is.

The worst misconception about modern cars is the PRICE and that you're getting more for it.

Weird no one is buying a good looking under p0wered car that loses traction on the off ramp when you tap the right pedal that gets to 60 in 7+ seconds?

That's blantantly NOT true and misleading.

you are correct i was typing fast at work...but its a fact there are TWO air force 1's both flanked with F18 hornets

Air Force 1 is WAY MORE THAN DOUBLE the cost listed...

Says :"he's hard to argue with..."

bugatti driver does not know how to drive the car. Making it look slow.


Ya only bankers drive range rovers...

is it me or did this remind people of the cheetahs hunting the male elephant on the internet?
