I see a difference. The PS4 version looks better. That’s the difference. Guy who wrote this article is a hipster contrarian.
I see a difference. The PS4 version looks better. That’s the difference. Guy who wrote this article is a hipster contrarian.
“The gameplay remains untouched” The fact that the writer wrote that means he doesn’t know enough about the game to be qualified to write a post about it. Typical kotaku writers though.
People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.
Stanton’s desire to homer in all the ballparks reminds me of when I was a young ballplayer, and wanted to do something besides strike out EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME I came up to hit.
Somewhat unrelated, but we are now getting to the age where younger people don’t remember 9/11, and I’m finding it so weird. September 11th literally changed the direction of my entire life (I’m 31), and when just-out-of-college co-workers look at me like I’m a dinosaur when I say I was in Iraq, I can’t get my head…
He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.
You nailed Kinja posting :)
He not only paid $41k in cosmetic surgery that will ultimately fall apart as he ages, he also has to put a few pounds of makeup, contact lenses and a metric ton of hair spray everyday.
Correct. Dadtaku stories are written for parents to say “oh man yes this is bad i understand this”, not for teenagers to give unsolicited parenting advice.
Being an R. Kelly fan is just as bad, if not worse, than being a Chris Brown fan.
I’d sell out tomorrow if I could. When the choice is to possibly starve vs selling out, ESPECIALLY for esports, the right choice is pretty clear here.
I think if you can elevate your product placement to these hilariously over the top extremes, it comes right back around and ends up being ok again. It’s borderline satire.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is also a “no” vote.
He’s SUPPOSED to suck!
Man, can you imagine how much better the beginning of this game would be if Basch was the main character? Your character was stuck in a cell for years, accused of treason against the king you served and despised by the public. On the other hand, the gradual trust that’s regained between Basch and the other characters…
As a longtime rider for FFXII, I am ELATED that this version is coming out and getting its proper due. To this day, I’ve never been as completionist about a game as this one.
Let’s be honest, we all just want No Mercy on the Nintendo Switch. Give me that, and I shall give the money.
I have fond memories back on my ps2 when my friends and I would get together after work, drink some beers, and play tekken bowl. My favorite part was when one of us would get three strikes in a row, the screen would display “turkey” but the deep baritoned announced would proclaim “CHICKEN!” I Think we laughed almost…
Why why why why why why why do I keep reading about these people?