Lt Dan's Legs

I would dress my orcs in stilettos, if given the chance. Can we get an Orcs Row style game now?

I agree, my wife and I got married in Vegas and brought along immediate family. It was cheaper to fly a few people out and we even won some money. Four years later, we are still married.

“The SmashBox does what Nintendon’t”

That double down attack destroys my team every...single...time!

I love you too, bro! The only reason I’m crying’s cause of the adrenaline!

Some call it a glitch, I just call it a Tuesday night broship. Bros will be bros

I beat it in the first run too. Great game/memories

Must wait...

Ashton Kutcher finally made it to the King of the Iron Fist Tournament!

These are hilarious, I have to download them before the inevitable server shutdown after the new game’s launch

Great start to a magnificent album!

From my point of view, the Jedi are evil

Maybe the nanomachines have begun to decay, thus creating the zombies? Nothing that one 34 minute codec conversation and a few cutscenes can’t explain

Is this a God dam?

Don't forget the most important part, the dual middle finger prior to the most epic of stunners. The aftermath looked like a nuclear explosion!

Vaan was a dead ringer for Xandir from Drawn Together, he was more tolerable as unintentional comic relief

I know this feeling all too well. At 33 with a 2 year old, I have almost negative free time. After playing a round as Reinhart, I got praise from my team for holding the line. I barely got any kills, but help achieve victory. Bless you, Blizzard!

I'm ashamed to say that I did know this. The song brings me back to being an awkward freshman in college, now I'm 33 and a dad. Thanks for bringing me back!

That is tempting, I pre ordered it in December but April 5th seems so far away I fee conflicted like Kilo Ren...

I almost forgot how disappointed I felt playing Twisted Metal 3 for the first time. 989 studios was the first developer that I hated.