Lt Dan's Legs

10/10 would comment again

Didn't Disney purchase Star Wars for 1.9 billion dollars less than this? That is ridiculous.

I like your name!

7.2 too many rats (oh, sorry. Wrong site)

Yeah, Bison! For them, the day micro transactions were implemented in Destiny was the worst day of their lives, but for you, it was Tuesday!

I have a hard time believing that is from the real Kanye, it's not written in all caps!

I only play vanilla because die all the time, that’s kind of my MO.

How hard can it be?

This started happening to me years before. I still haven't played the original Bioshock, I know... Im sorry...

Jim Ross voice: “he just hugged him straight to Hell! Bah Gawd!!”

Reminds me of Sesame Street with Elmo...

What!?!? Yeah!?!?! Okaaaaaaay!?!?

This isn't the first time Kane has been accused of doing something like this.

This brings me back 16 years to when I was 16. Where did the time go?

Complete with a guest appearance from DJ Saul T. Nuts!

I prefer when games launch during that lousy Smarch weather.

Mr. Hill, do you have your own Gameboy or are you still using Bobby’s? I remember when you took it away from him as punishment for kicking people in the... nether region.

Too bad their friend Kane wasn’t around to help them out but in all honesty, look at the sheer bliss on that man’s face. He needed a much needed vacation in Hawaii for all the great things he has done.

Oh god, Dexter was so terrible by the end that, to this day, I still do not trust lumberjacks.