
The biggest loss from this isn’t a notional third movie, it’s the untimely demise of the Tron: Uprising series.

“The near-monopoly corporation strongly objects to efforts that would undermine the power of its monopoly. In other news, water is wet, fire is hot, and people are stupid. This is Tricia Takanawa. Back to you, Tom.”

Real Kids Ride

The 2008-2009 Acura TL Type S wheels are probably my favorite factory wheel design. Simple 10 spoke design that matches with the car very nicely. I’m looking for a similar style for my cars. (Not sure if the picture actually showed up, thanks Kinja!)

Make it happen!

Everything about this comment is approaching perfection.

Anyone who doesn’t think Tesla is Full Self Driving™ is a pedo.

Auto-star for Hard/Race Drivin’

I actually learned to drive a stick playing Race Drivin’ in the arcades back in the early 90s. I’m sure I’ll have fifty people in here in a minute throwing shade, but when I actually wound up in a stick-shift car a year later it only took about half an hour before I was perfectly comfortable with it.

I was bummed to see Rossi miss out on Podium 200, but man the pass by Mir was incredible. Mir’s drive on the last lap was incredible.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.  Congrats.

This is basically how unions works right? The boss gets paid too much or their subordinates too little, boss thinks he has all the power until a huge percentage of subordinates join forces to threaten leaving, boss cooperates. I hate Apple so much that my bias is automatically telling me this is good news. Is there

This is one of the most idiotic articles ever posted on Jalopnik.

Tron Legacy works better if you think of it as a 2 hour Daft Punk music video starring Olivia Wilde. And to be honest I’d be game for another one of those.

I actually love Legacy, if there is a Tron 3 they should expand on Dillingers son who was in Legacy for half a minute.

That is interesting. I’ve used Linux, Windows, and Mac about equal amounts of time and the one thing I always hated on Mac was the Mac finder compared to file explorer. Ignoring MS-DOS I guess I did first start out with Windows file explorer way back in the day so it could due to that.

I miss my Windows Phone.

I had the same reaction. First time i saw marble racing on youtube, i thought it was ridiculous. Then i was weirdly riveted by it. Then i couldn’t stop watching it.

Oh man I had forgotten about the “marble racing” corner of YouTube. Well, there goes all my free time for the next several weeks ...

It also vastly under states the effect on travel time.