
Almost every sportbike, from 600cc up to 1400cc are transverse mounted!

I’m so done with Uber... Everyone just needs to switch to Lyft and let Uber disappear. A company that doesn’t make money yet makes the incompetent leaders billionaires is just wrong.

Using your definition of a car guy as being the opposite of what he does in relation to cars, I am guessing 80% of the people on this site who love cars are not actually car guys. It must be nice being you, a “real” car guy.

Research much?


I’ve been commuting for years, on bikes that where very quiet, and ones that hurt my ears to ride. It makes no difference, honestly...

I like how the guy at 1:34 pops up out of no where! He must have been right on the deck!

STEP 7: Realize that your weapon was made by Apple, so while it might be flawlessly constructed, you need to jump through a million hoops to make it actually work, and then you realize that iSuicide 6.0 just bricked it.

Haha!!! Your comment is hilarious and timely! As I was reading your comment, my work computer (a MBA) just flashed an annoying notification that I needed to do an update. I know from others that if I do this update it will crash my computer! Apple, it just works!

I use both a MBP and a Surface Book on my lap. The SB is a laptop. The Surface Pro is a tablet computer. Comparing Windows “laptops” to Apple “laptops”, I see absolutely no advantage to the MBP.

Haha, this should be used as a reading assessment!!! Who actually reads it closely?!?

You sir have just made my day. Thank you!

It totally looks like a Star Fleet saucer!

What is this photo from?

I’m Jerry, and I approve of this message.

Came here to say the EXACT same thing! This is Honda’s new Prelude!