
10 years ago a GMC Vandura was sent to auction by a charitable for a crime they didn’t commit. This van promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the winning buyer, it survives a #vanlife of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if

well, kids ARE stupid, so were we, so were our parents. adulthood is the time we spend fixing the fuck ups we did as teens.

These things have rear weight bias. Careful getting into a corner too hot, or you might turn the Beat around.

In your lede image, that (gigantic swollen growth) is NOT anything you discussed in this piece. That...that right there is an alien-orb and should only be removed by a board-certified surgeon; preferably, one that has served a residency period aboard the USCSS Nostromo.

I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:

The only thing is that the 6th gen Si’s suspension is better than the RSX-S’s. In fact, I don’t think Honda has ever done a better suspension on the Civic than it did with the 6th gen Si and the ‘01 Integra Type R.

Shows it has potential to be cool if you remove just about every piece on it

In all seriousness though, what Civic minded individual did this on their own Accord? What was the Prelude to this? There has to be another Element in here somewhere. I simply cannot understand why someone would undertake this Odyssey. I think their brain went on auto Pilot.

“... and then he said we’re gonna have a space force!”

You can have your Vines back when I get my AOL Instant Messenger back. 

Ruthless efficiency! Our chief weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!


Try Lego games! Really easy to control for beginners, helps because you are playing coop, and they are not bad games :)

This is excellent! May I add two more bits of advice?

You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your scoot. You’re lucky that ridin the clutch on your two stroke sorority- mobile didn’t blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

Mr Joshua apparently knows how to use 100 horsepower.

See Mr Joshua's reply...

You can have a lot of fun with 100 horsepower if you know how to use it.

Hardly, I bought a one owner, woman owned 1981 Prelude and back in the Yuppie 80s, it was a true babe puller. Say what you will but IMHO, they were a very affordable and reliable compact sports coupe that fitted the yuppie mindset. I never had a problem with it and it was great fun to drive. A couple of years later I

Yes, but that’s not his main job. It’s not how he earns money, it’s how he spends it. His main day-to-day job is something most of us wouldn’t consider glamorous, but it’s not like he does cosplay only and has family wealth to fall back on—he works full time PLUS does cosplay full time. To complain about that as