
Four Rooms

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I like it, I think you did a good job. Sure it's not what most see as classic arcade cabinetry, but you did a great job making something for someone who wants to get their cabinet gaming on.

It has that real guttural low end sound. I love it. [:

The riff trax of this movie is the only way I would watch it. So bad...

I agree, that album and subsequent movie was a classic original.

Well another game of his i must buy. [:

I think that having the ability to do what you want is key. I like mine, just need a little faster fone [: use both the ios4 interface and android daily and happen to like the flexibility i get with android better. I am even saying that while having an ipod touch that has scrolling board, sprint board, inconclasm,

Yeah, i was totally thrown off too. I read this and instantly thought you were talking about the CD-i zelda game that was suppose to be the worst zelda ever. [which i am sure it is the worse zelda game ever] I never saw the show, but most the time they are pretty bad [at least back then]

ok, i am excited again. [: