Jerrod Kingery

Oh man I didn't even think about that. I sold my Volume 10 DVD set with Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster on eBay for a pretty penny. After Handbraking it, of course.

I still maintain the greatest tragedy of 9/11 is Dennis Miller going neo-con

Yeah, but it shouldn't FEEL rewritten, you chode.

I was disappointed. The film feels so re-written and Paul Rudd feels so neutered.

I guess we have to cater to the Millenials by throwing in Space Jam, huh? That's what we've come to?

I had a Duff at Moe's Tavern in Universal Studios Hollywood. It wasn't great, but I got to keep the glass

Sounds like you're just not on board with the whole "Superman" thing to begin with

So I'm really curious about what's going on in the desert with the Superman-shielded troopers subduing a desert-camo Batman

I wish I liked that movie more so I could FULLY appreciate how great that clip is

Well has the story too, so I suppose that confirms it

I like how Vegas Vacation captured the weird family-friendly vibe Vegas tried to go for in the late-'90s/early-2000s. I told the director as much when I met him. He told me he thought Ethan Embry could have been a DiCaprio-level dramatic talent had people stop casting him as the boy next door.

Yes, that book is great, and so is Greg. I emailed him for pointers when I got to interview Tommy and he was mega-cool.

Agree. I'm upset it's gone from Netflix, consarnit

2 things:

All these years I never knew the JPG format was named after The Beatles

I mean out of all of the people complaining about it, his response is most understandable since I assume it affects his wallet with lack of residuals in a time when it (sadly) will probably never be more popular since all these assholes are out to defend whatever objects have the flag on them.

Hmm, possibly.

Is it just my fuzzy memory of a DVD I watched 11 years ago, but is the song different on the DVD? I swear it was something more electro-jazzy, yet sad


He's gone from Goofus to Gallant!