Jerrod Kingery

Is that a good sign?

This…this is a bad movie. Not Salvation bad, but the no-fun sorta bad.

I need a crossover called "Guardians of the Galaxy Quest"

FUN FACT: I have a friend who is a huge late night TV fan, and he spent a long time a while back "catching up" on Conan's TBS show, as if there was anything to catch up on outside of things that go viral.

Maybe Sajak should tweet about this Confederate flag ordeal

Remember when Cocoa Puffs were porous and not shiny balls of doom?

That was a mandate from WB licensing. There are model kits of the General Lee that don't feature the flag. It looks super weird, but I understand it. Incidentally, I was a big Dukes of Hazzard fan and remember having a confederate flag bandana, but not because I was a huge racist hick at 5 years old.

It stinks….like cock!

They should have given him 5 minutes at the top of Nightly News, then toss to Lester Holt.

Well it is just sort of Toy Story done over again.

While I thought this movie was fine and good, it felt a little too warmed-over Toy Story to me.

I'm with you. A friend of mine aptly described the rest of the movie as a Duck Tales episode. Hardly bad, but certainly not amazing.

Come on, it can't really be a CD, can it? I worked for a grocery store in the '90s and even back then it was piped in music.

I still prefer "Billy and the Cloneosaurus"

One day I'll get around to watching this season.

Tell him I love him on "New Girl"

Ah, I could do this and still tell my parents I'm investing in Bonds without actually lying to them!

That burn is so sick it should be on The Blaze!

Look, I'm all for crapping on the output of Adam Sandler, but what's with the double standard of a straight-to-Netflix TV show being socially superior to a straight-to-Netflix-on-purpose-for-a-lot-of-money movie?

WHAT? I need to track this down…even if my DVD buying days are mostly over