Jerrod Kingery

I'm pretty sure Hudson still wears his every day.

I was a little put off my the serialized storytelling of Black Jesus.

I don't even drink coffee, and I want to buy that coffee for the laffs.

Welcome to Divot Hills

We ARE friends, aren't we Suttery?

Question: is "Sons of Anarchy" essentially a "Breaking Bad" for dirtbags? Because everyone I know that likes it has at least a little bit of dirtbag in them.

As long as it's not another fan-made poignant Calvin & Hobbes sequel or some shit.

Well Web Soup got 3 seasons on G4, and WWP just seemed like a different version of the same thing.

The only problem I see with this is that the Wil Wheaton Project was awful and full of unearned snark and nastiness.

I was quite fond of Attack of the Show and Web Soup and loved the cheapo dynamic of the whole endeavor, when their 3 marquee shows obviously used the same set, just re-dressed.

That was my worst movie of the year

Palo Alto is on the list? Already this is bullshit

Wait, Gallagher has a new album? I am unashamedly going to seek that out.

I can't believe that Dick Tracy thing is real

I agree, it always seems more directed at the Abercrombie bros from the late '90s and early 2000s, a demo I tried to fit into because that's where all the hot chicks were. Seriously, the two DMB amphitheater shows I went to in 2001 and 2002 were full of gorgeous women in summer clothes. Good times.

Why all the snark?* This is an authentic piece of American film history.

I mean I don't use Redbox personally, but I never understood the scoffing it receives. All told, it's pretty fucking convenient.

Nielsen would not leave me alone about a year ago, always trying to get me to be one of their sample, but since I work for a TV station, I can't. And most of my reporting would have been AV Club-approved, too!

Who is intensely loyal to Darren Doane, director of "Saving Christmas?"

Yeah Daniels is all jowls in this movie.