
+1 foot sweep

Please, reconsider the phrase “foreign hyena laughter”.

This fish is extremely dead and your critique of “Asian countries” is borderline racist.

You can go buy pants with your size on it and be reasonably assured of a fit. I can’t just go buy hair produce willy-nilly without having any indication with how it will look on curls like mine because product doesn’t just work the same for all sorts of curls. Loose curls and tight curls respond very differently to

Totally agree. I will say though, this show has helped my mom understand why I stayed in an abusive relationship for as long as I did and how my PTSD from being raped affects me. So while the coverage of the show can be gross, the show’s portrayal itself is good.

Deeply disturbing as well are the conversations I’ve seen on forums like exposing some SERIOUS misconceptions about abusive relationships. Lots of stuff about “this is totally unrealistic, she’s a smart lawyer! She’s so well educated! That woman would NEVER put up with that kind of abuse IRL!”

They are already off to a bad start.

Casey Affleck was brilliant in Manchester by the Sea and absolutely deserved his Oscar.

I’ve shared this before, but I lost my 16 year old daughter to suicide 5/29/16. There is not one thing that her father and I would not have done to save our beautiful girl. And this fucking bitch can sleep at night????? Our entire family continually thinks about the “what ifs” surrounding her death. And this bitch can

2X1 jalapeño mango-ritas?!? That deal is worth it even if you have to drink them in the same room as Casey Anthony.  

While I don’t think you meant it that way, I’d maybe stay away from giving any credence whatsoever to the “he was no angel” trope since it’s basically racist apologia 101 and deployed every single time there’s an unjustified police shooting of a black man.

I think now it’s beyond arguing that this child was treated as a second class citizen because of his race, but I also think it’s worth noting that even his parents didn’t expect that at the time- they expected justice. What’s remarkable - and so, so ugly- is the fact that so many observers seemed perfectly at peace

Sure, I was there doing land law working with land owners whose property was being seized by the government so traveled to a lot of small villages, some quite remote and literally people would come out of their houses and stare. The word for “dark” is Kmao, Kmao naa is very dark and on numerous occasions, women,

“When Carolyn herself [later] lost one of her sons, she thought about the grief that Mamie must have felt and grieved all the more.” Let me guess, her son was being falsely accused of harassing a pure white woman and subsequently tortured and murdered? If not, your grief is NOTHING compared to Mamie’s grief and the

If this mofo was really interested in being better Americans why the fuck would he vote for an openly racist, openly sexist, anti LGBTQ, orange menace? Did he not see what happened to PoC at Orange Foolius rallies? Does he think it’s some kind of coincidence that these bigoted fucks targeted Poc for violence at these

There is no good reason why his teeth were removed. Just like there is no good reason they didn’t call her to tell them they were going to do. Just like there is no good reason, they didn’t give the boy pain medication.

Except if you’re a Royals fan like me and fucking devastated. The thing about living in a city like this, in a ‘small market’, is most of us have a real connection to these players. Like they’re family. We see them out on the town and we don’t bother them all the time. They don’t need security when they go to a

I don’t know but in Civilization 6 you can’t make pastures or train horse units until you research it.

That’s blatant lie and you know it! Those of us who weren’t disenfranchised or turned away from the polls due to racist schemes voted for Hillary.