
She’s gyaru, and pretty obviously so. Do you think she’s black? I mean, good on you if you are happy she’s (probably) Japanese, but when people use “person of color” (because colored people is somehow racist, I guess) it generally means “black.”

Um, I’m so triggered right now. PoC can’t be racist because racism is privilege + porridge, and he obviously has neither privilege (because he’s a PoC) nor porridge (because he’s from Brazil). I think he deserves an apology.

I see Kotaku is explaining their journalistic process. Neat!

after the developers removed a controversial phrase involving the KKK from the game.

Eh. The story had more downs (or more accurately, Down’s) than ups. It wasn’t terrible, and I’ve certainly seen worse, but a lot of shit doesn’t make sense when given anything more than a cursory glance. Especially toward the end.

“...specifically chose FFVII because it’s already a diverse cast and to Square Enix’s credit, you could literally tell the same story with these designs.” Er...yeah. Unless you are telling a story about race, that’s generally how it works. You haven’t stumbled on some heretofore unknown truth. That’s sort of how

I dunno...I know tons of ladies that have pregnancy/impregnation fantasies, and knowing that some dude has actually procreated and has a child causes them to put one of those wet floor caution signs between their legs.

I think has more to do with virility than anything, but that’s not my particular fetish, so I may not

No more creepy and pervy than DILF, or, a personal favorite, stroller meat.

That’s not what the story is meant to represent at all. Like, at all. And the fact you’ve stated that means one) you have no grasp of cyberpunk in general and b) have no grasp of the driving themes of GitS, specifically.

The Major could literally be played by any human. The body of who takes that role is largely

I’m sure all that sexism was hurting her so much she didn’t make the threat...oh, wait.

So, yeah, the Watcher isn’t omnipotent, and he’s not omniscient. In fact, if I recall correctly, the Watchers all sort of observe their own crap, they don’t keep an eye on the galaxy, they watch whatever they’ve decided their charge is, and Uatu watches earth. The events that transpired with Gorr didn’t happen on

Well, I knew this was gonna get fucked up and be terrible, but I didn’t realize just how lazy and half-assed it would be. Good job. You throw away a opportunity for a good story to introduce the same character, but better somehow, because it’s a woman, and this is the culmination. I had hoped to be proven wrong.

So, really, this isn’t a problem with the scene so much of, “Why can’t this live up to what I want to see because this is the way I believe it should be?” That’s what I’m getting from this. This isn’t a problem with the scene, it’s a long excuse that you didn’t get wish fulfillment, which is fine, but call it what

I am increasingly of the belief that certain groups hold gender as a religion...something that is sacrosanct and inviolable.

*sniff* Mmm...smells like bigot.

I thought SJWs just looked at box art and screamed that it was misogynistic if it didn’t have a woman at all. Weird.

I like Marcus, honestly. Then again, bigger fan of Preacher than Archie, so I’m drawn to more serious characters, ones that have been through some shit and it shows. I think that’s why these characters are relatable, it’s easy to see how, “Oh, yeah, watching your only family be murdered might make life a little rough.

How is that ironic? I mean, unless you are implying that Marcus is racist for some reason? Remember, in Marcus’ eyes his son went against his wishes (if I’m remembering correctly)...and ditched Marcus and then came back and got his house destroyed, so...yeah, I mean. And it’s not like I’ve never seen parents bond

Ever watch Neon Genesis Evangelion? I ask because there is a philosophical point at which the main character is given a world, a literal blank slate, and told, “You can do anything,” but he finds himself with anything to anchor himself to, no ground, gravity, sky, time, or anything he’s familiar with, so he finds

I always felt Geralt was more unflappable than brooding. He’s sardonic, even cynical at times, but he’s never above a good time, witty banter, and bullshitting with his friends.