
Interesting. So, many sites ban people because they don’t like what they have to say. This has been going on since...well, since the internet. This is frequently common with sites with moderators. I don’t think that’s censorship, but of course, our definitions may vary. And Kellogg just pulled advertising from

I thought the byline on Kotaku was, “It’s only censorship if the government does it!” I mean, I recall one of the Gamergate/Anti-Gamergate/Activtist/Whatever battle lines being drawn around “localizations” that are seen by many as censorship, yet it is defended because it can’t be censorship unless a government does

Of course they did. Who is they, again? Oh, right, Gamergate. Who’s in Gamergate? THEM, obviously. You know! Those ones! Over there! Smoking their jazz cabbage! Filthy degenerates! Commies! I really sounds very familiar to me. Like, super familiar. You seem to lean strongly in one direction,

Okay, so two in a week, recently, isn’t enough? That’s fine. I made my point and that’s that the media is still harping on Gamergate when they want to make a point. The Mary Sue does it constantly. Since there aren’t really any pro-Gamergate media outlets, the weirdness they spew tends to be isolated the comments

Well, there’s the fact that GamerGhazi exists at all. But it’s not any particular site that is mentioning it weekly, it’s the fact that it gets mentioned weekly at all. This was ESPECIALLY prevalent after the election (see Red Scare comparison). Just this week The Guardian mentioned GG, an article from Matt “I Look

I find it mentioned with disturbing frequency, at the very least weekly. Of course, it’s usually done as a way to virtue signal by the author how they have a supposed moral high ground from which to sling their particular brand of righteous mud. I mean, if nothing else you could look at Brianna Wu who would turn into

And yet the media is obsessed with Gamergate. Gamergate is the Big Bad. It is the blame for everything that certain blog sites don’t like. Oh, and if you disagree with a certain ideological view? GAMERGATOR. It’s kind of weird, really. And the sad thing is, there’s no identifier for a ideological moderate. Both

Best part? Gay guy calls another dick-ass. Comedy gold!

I hope there are options. Really. I love virtual dress up, but I’ve been unimpressed by the ranges of clothing offered that I’ve seen. And while I realize I’m playing as a specific character and dressing to their tastes, as it were, that doesn’t mean that I have to like it. :D

Honestly, at this point the pre-order

Something other than turn of the previous century knock-offs and homages? I now expect him to have a bespoke cedar and bronze keyboard. I’m hoping this is on the tamer side of the fashion.

And yes, considering all but one of these pictures is 90% brown...pretty boring.

I see brown is a...thing, I guess? What does brown go with, besides other shades of brown.

Jesus, I wanna play this game, but I don’t want to be dressed like a Cali hipster douche colossus, unstoppable in my skinny jeans and sock garters.

Right, because that excuse has flown so well. Creators can’t create things “just because” without getting thrown into the social justice chipper shredder. It would offend someone, someone hack would beat their angry finger nubs to bloody stumps pounding out an outrage article and it would summarily be shat out on

And we have here someone who hasn’t actually read any of the research, heard any of the researchers speak, or even looked into the subject.

Then you lost me. I apologize. The sameness we share is apparently having an abusive relationship in the past? That’s a terrible thing, and you have my understanding of how terrible that can be, I don’t really use that as a camaraderie identifier.

I don’t get what you are talking about with the people who calls

I’m...not even sure we are talking about the same thing anymore, but hey, as long as you are happy.

That’s what I was getting at.

Think of it this way: they saved you from a terrible, toxic community.

This is a bit tricky...

So, a lot of therapists I’ve dealt with have their own set of biases that they bring to the table. It doesn’t mean they are wrong, it is just something to note. I’ve met a lot of Christian therapists that just flat out reject anything lifestyle oriented as abusive. Assuming your therapist is

Proving that garbage people come in all sorts of bins.