
Because one gender can only write on itself convincingly. *blink* Fuck’s sake.

Oh no, a racist piece of shit has lost their patience with me? Cry me a fucking river.

Nobody is claiming that white people are bad naturally? And yet you made a sweeping, racist generalization about white me for no other reason than they are white. Hey, guess what? You’re a racist fuck.

I’m calling you out because you

This isn’t about “fragile white people”, you ignorant fuck. This is about calling people to account for their bullshit. Not because of race. Not because of gender. Because of their fucking actions. Because of the stupid shit they say. Like you. Your willful ignorance and embraced racism is a fucking joke, and

So you are a classic racist. That’s good to know. I’m glad you’ve redefined racism so that you can be racist without being racist, at least in your own mind. Congratulations, now you are just a self-righteous, racist piece of shit. am black. What I’m not is a racist piece of shit. :) Good try, though.

Man, remember when assuming that inborn traits equaled bad was considered something that you shouldn’t do? I remember that.

I like how physical appearance = strength of character.

Oh, so you are an asshole as well as stupid? Well, figures. They do tend to go hand in hand. But please, since you’d like to continue, regale with your startling insights into game design. My breath is absolutely BATED, wunderkind.

Again, you make these declarative statements regarding some sort of end state that simply isn’t true. If it was a failing, it would be failing, but it is not. For that matter, all fiction would be failing. BUT IT ISN’T. And further, since apparently you’ve failed to comprehend it for the numerous times pointed out for

Well...just saying there...Prevailing opinion would indicate that the current trends and mores of the the increasing video game market favor the exact thing that I’m saying, and less of the, “We want overweight and plain people to huff their way through our video games.” My statements have been truth in that the

Oh, look, that thing I said about your arbitrary rules? Yeah, that? Thank you for admitting it. Just say, “I’m talking out my ass, and I haven’t yet learned that my asinine opinion means nothing.” Also, no clever retort about your shitty double standard, so that’s good. It’s good to know when you don’t have a leg to

Who says video game characters need to reflect real people? Literally.I want to know. Point to one source that says it needs to that isn’t Dr. Imadeitup of Headcannon University. Show me the HUGE AMOUNT OF MALE CHARACTERS LIKE REFLECT THE MALE AVERAGE. Oh, wait, they don’t exist, you say? That’s odd. I’m sorry, is

Say it with me now: Tropes does not equate bad. I really wish people would stop using the word trope like it was only worthy of eye-rolling and exasperated sighs.

Sure, neighbor. I’m sorry the pedant couldn’t tell when I was referring to MMORPGs, which Destiny and Borderlands share traits with. Hence increasingly narrow. I’m sorry the pedant isn’t aware that MMOs are becoming more action driven, sharing more reflex and active based action. I’m sorry the pedant wasn’t aware that

Well, your (non) argument, is certainly convincing. Please, tell me more!

But seriously, what the fuck is Destiny, right? Or, you know, why would Borderlands have a loot table? Geez. It’s like, wow...these things are becoming closer, or you know, not since you say so? Defiance? Planetside? Wow. It’s like...almost on

You seem to exist. Maybe that is unfortunate. Not really for me to judge. Everything I’ve declaimed is there in what you’ve said. Pretty simple. Of course, you don’t see it that way because you are virtuous and upstanding, so of course you don’t think like that.

You’ve said you wanted more variety...except when it

Your critcism begins and ends with, “I don’t like this.” Spare me the moralizing. It’s tired and it’s old. You are no different than the relics who thought rock n’ roll was the devil’s music. The horror! Please. Give me some more of your conspiracy theories and your uncritically anazlyzed data.

And if you want to

Animators are lazy now? Well, that’s good to know. Thank you for that educated insight. I’m sure they love having their work disparaged by some rando on the internet. Really, your depth of understanding of the process and skill is...astounding. I am taken aback. Truly.

Also...”being artful”...such elocution! Truly,

Oh, art now adheres to standards? Well, I’ll be sure to inform Dhali and Picasso. I’ll be sure to type a memo to Lynch, and I’ll cc e.e. cummings.

While I know it appears to be beyond your conscious capabilities to make a subtly compelling point, there is something to the notion of video game characters a fetishistic

I’m really sorry your little niche tastes in “unconventially attractive” female characters isn’t being met. Really? I hope they starting putting more buck teeth and lazy eyes in for you. You deserve it, tiger.