
My relationship isn’t particularly progressive, at least in the circles I move in, and since I’ve been with my wife for...shit, 16 years now? My life, shockingly, has a influence on my views. Sorry that bothers you. I’ll be sure to keep my race and sexuality out of it, too, because fuck knows those aren’t important.

If I were to look at all thing equal, I can say that both are over the top. Both are dressed in a manner that is (probably) ill-suited to their particular roles. Their bodies are only treated differently in the respects that one can be manipulated, the other cannot. I personally view Cindy as a play on the hot

Puritans hate women who aren’t wearing jumpsuits (as demonstrated by Ghostbusters). If they aren’t covered head to foot, it’s misogyny.

Yes, because this game has been completely unannounced until now, you idiot. No, we were hanging out when the original demo came out. Strangely, relevant conversations can happen at any number of points. Remember, the outrage train has been running since Cid was revealed.

And, you know, I understand being a skeptic. Do

Again, I come back to Gladio. I love his look, don’t get me wrong. Daddy likes. But, there’s no “reason” for it. Given, implied, or understated. It is fuckin’ rule of cool, plain and simple. If he had a ton of scars on his chest or whatever, that would be something, but instead he has the beauty scar, and that’s it.


MG objectifies everyone, and that’s a good thing. Need more of that. I personally see characters dressed “provocatively” as a test: one a test of the writers to make them compelling and a test of the public to see who gives them more than passing assessment based on their attire. Obviously Jason failed.

I just had this conversation with my wife. And my girlfriend. Poly for the win. And considering I was at a fetishball over the are probably barking up the wrong tree for your hypothetical moral victory, neighbor.

*shrug* And?

Oh, but to answer, no, there is only racism, and anyone can be racist to anyone else, because people are fuckwits. And given my particular...heritage, I know that perfectly well.

Guess I got my answer, too.

Well, we all know how kneejerk reactions are always the best way to judge something. But seriously, good job avoiding the question.

Oh, let me guess, you are one of those power + privilege people, ain’t you?

That you object to the chosen aesthetics presumably because you find them objectionable, choosing, most likely, to say that her outfit is impractical, unrealistic, or objectifying? And while simultaneously doing that, you disregard a male character who shows off more skin that is practical, is unrealistic for what he


I’m not sure Gladio would look good in short shorts, but he’s got the whole bare chest thing goin’, just sayin’.

Ah, so you feel she needs to explain what she’s wearing in order to give it validation. Do you feel the same way about Gladio and his leaving his shirt open? Does he need to explain why he does it, or do you just accept that as a matter of course? Or does this only matter because she has tits? Asking for a friend.


So. Very. Eloquent.

And, yes, you displayed circular logic. Maybe learn what things are before you talk about them? Just, you know, trying to help out. Or, you can keep saying fuck you to anyone who so much as says anything to you, that works, too.

Hey, do you know what maladroit means?

I know! There are actual *gasp* nudist families! WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!

Someone not burdened by Puritanical mores? :)

The internet at large probably doesn’t care. The majority of FF fan seem to be absolutely fine. On Kotaku/The Mary Sue/Destructoid where the barest hint of flesh is an absolute sin, well...she’s obviously a symbol of my soggy knees and THE PATRIARCHY and blah blah blah. I like it, my wife likes it, but then I’m