
Pretty much every fat male character is part of a joke, too. That’s...yeah, that’s a thing. And, the plus side is, you can make fun of a male body type and not be called misogynistic, or anything at all, because being able to comment on male bodies with no repercussion is absolutely normal.

Taking a look at Overwatch: There are currently 22 characters. 13 of those are male. Of those 13, I will discount Zenyatta, Bastion, and Winston because regardless if they are male or not, they are not human. With the remaining 10, I would say only Torbjorn, and Roadhog fall outside of “typically acceptable male

Not really, because if you are, supposedly, trying to foster a dialogue, then you do not shame people, make accusations, and then reject information when it is given to you that proves what you are saying is false, or at the very least, highly subjective and ONLY given to interpretation.

Anita is no different than Jack

Love that haploid WW.

They don’t really have to maintain it, it’s just a thing. You don’t really have to market CLAMP at women, they seem to like it without much of a push. Dudes on the other hand? I mean, X/1999 is about as close as you get, but if you compare that to even the most base-level shonen manga...yeah.

Other than an artistic choice, this to nothing? Her skin tone is just that...a skin tone. This isn’t the first change.

And, further, given that the concept of white having any sort of meaning in a world that has nothing to do with ours is semi-retarded.

Wait, wait...weebs...have nothing to offer society.

That’s odd, because I thought the reason we have video games as know, a major thing, is because of two Japanese countries. I thought a good number of the most iconic games and characters were made in Japan.

I thought you were on a site called Kotaku...cuz,

I suppose, but it in this particular instance, it doesn’t have any influence over any other points, correct? I mean...Asexual...without sexual attraction. I guess I don’t get how one can say asexual and say you are on the same spectrum, when your very sexual identity says you lack that defining characteristic.

Wouldn’t that be more of you not being on the graph at all? I mean, even if we assumed that sexuality operated on an X/Y axis, you’d be 0,0. You aren’t sexually attracted to anyone, they might be sexually attracted to you, but (presumably) that ends up with this multiply by zero situation (no matter how great their

Er...if sexuality is a spectrum, isn’t everyone on it, just not those that lean strongly to one side or the other? That has always struck me as odd. It’s not like being something other than straight puts you in a different category of sexuality. It’s like, “Likes males or females to varying degrees...or, you

At least she didn’t get off easy for being a woman. Nice to see.

I’m gonna season my food for life with all the salt this creates here! #schadenfreude

Kotaku posts an article about censorship and doesn’t put censorship in quotes or make it sound like the notion is ludicrous. I’m shocked.

...When did cringeworthy become a buzzword?

But I thought Kotaku lived to shame people? I’m so confused. must be amazing to be this stupid. I bet the world is just stellar for you.

Mass disliking of new CoD? Eh, it happens, no big deal. Mass disliking of new Ghostbusters? MUH SEXISMS


Blah blah blah, unrealistic portrayals of female bodies, patriarchy, fat acceptance, blah blah blah.

They did a test. Oooo. In other words, they said, “Hey, is this a good idea?” Result: nah. So, no, it’s not the equivalent of yellow face, because it didn’t happen. The casting choice isn’t indefensible, it is merely something that twists the panties of people that are, essentially, racists who get pissed when someone