
What you thought was an ad homeniem was me speaking, obliquely, about Sarkeesian. Sorry for the confusion. Hence the whole paying lip service line. I wouldn’t be able to say that in good faith about you. Got that cleared up?

Yes, it is a criticism of her. “I see you talking about how oppressed women are. I see what you

That’s weird...I didn’t attack you at any point, which is what an ad hominem attack is. I used a general “you” but nothing addressing you specifically. Sorry if you misinterpreted something, but if you have a specific complaint, I’d be happy to address and if it was an attack, I can certainly apologize. That seems

Actually, people do this all the time, and it’s fine. Morality by example. People take actions to correct to “fix” the incorrect or amoral behaviors of others. Any of the antics surround WBC are prime examples of this very thing.

I believe, and this could be me, you say you are for women being treated better, for

Thank you. As I said, I’m not trying to be unreasoning in my thoughts, and really my beliefs and values are not so different than that of what feminism espouses, it is merely the label and the identity of the current form that I disagree with because I think it’s been very damaged. Moderation is a good thing, and

Actually, she failed to deliver on her original goals, so...yes? I mean, people cry foul when a game doesn’t come out as was planned. And once again, let me try to explain why how she presents information is bad:

Opinion: I think games are sexist, and here are some carefully chosen examples that reinforce my views.


What wrong reason? TJ said as much, the money from his drive is going directly to the women’s organization, whereas the money’s from Anita’s drive is going to...Anita. Nominally, it’s going to her new project, but after Tropes, do you really see that as a good or welcome expenditure of funds?

So, yes, it was a shot

I guess you are right, it is all about where you stand. If a woman is taught by feminism that “all men are rapists” that’s no different than a racist being taught that blacks are less human. The problem, as I see it is that the bigotry and hatred that feminism teach are something you can get a degree in. And I’ve had

Well, let’s see...I can count on my hands more hateful things and disrespect given to me for being male (and now a gamer) by feminists that I could count racists things said to me in East Texas in the 80s. So...I dunno what to tell you? Feminism might not be a hate group, but if your ideology is filled with hateful

Oh, look, someone who can’t attack an argument, so they attack grammar...what’s that called? Oh, right, ad hominem. Why assail the argument, when you can assail the person making it. Tsk tsk. Oh well, this is Kotaku...Get what you pay for.

I think there’s a difference between harmless opinion videos and asking for money to create content that is at least partially made up of outright lies and spurious data. Oh, and “borrowed” content.

Should she be harassed for it? No. Should she be threatened for it? No. Should she be called to task for it? Yes, but

Not especially. See, you know what doesn’t get counted in rape statistics? Prison rape. You know what else doesn’t get put into rape statistics? Being forced to penetrate. So, coercion by force, drugs, manipulation DO NOT COUNT when accounting for the total number of men raped.

Remember the guy who was fired from the company that did Evolve because of his tweets and the company ditched him because they were afraid of the backlash?

Do you get up every morning and chant, “Women are victims! Women are victims!” You are one of those psychos that doesn’t believe women are capable of sexism or can

Because fandom. That’s literally it.

See, no one will ever be like, “Oh, no, they killed a straight person!” because...well...they won’t. Ever. What is common is not special, unique, or noteworthy. But fandoms tend to fetishize/idolize sexualities/idenities that are “unqiue” (EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO MAKE THEIR OWN)which

The only thing I disagree with is the thing about school girl outfits...It’s not played out...if it was, it wouldn’t be attractive. And there is a marked, obvious difference between the fantasy of something and the reality of something, and she’s being disingenuous in her faux-outrage about what it is sexualizing. It

I dunno...being a GM is about me, personally. I mean, people actively seek me out for GMing because I do it and I do it well. I tell good stories, I prepare well, and I enjoy it. I like making my players dance, and I enjoy giving them the rope they will invariably hang themselves with...and they come back for more.


Is Oda Japanese for Morton, cuz he minin’ dat salt!

I didn’t call you anything, I made an if-then statement. The point being that the thing you object to, people do very, very commonly in a lot of facets. Calling it objectification when it happens to be dancing girls is...disingenuous, at best. But if you feel me “calling” you a hypocrite has offended you, then I will,

I don’t have to draw the line. That’s the beauty. See, I believe that people have their own will, and can make decisions on their own. You want to indulge someone’s forniphilia? Go right ahead, especially if you can get paid for it. It’s your choice. No one is forcing these people to do anything. If they were being

We also pay people to speak. To cook us food. To clean for us. We pay people to protect us. To do basic things for us like drive us places. The list literally goes on and on. So, if you find one of those disgusting, then yes, I suppose, but if you don’t...well...what’s one more thing? And what’s the difference between