
You know who will never be that cool? Jane Foster.

Yup, suffocating societal expectations made her show her tits on a streaming service. Held a gun to her and everything! I saw it with my own two eyes! No, wait...that’s not what happened at all. Societal expectations didn’t make her do anything, rather she preyed on a very basic, biological premise. She’s not a

When characters become a platform and not characters, they tend to take a nose dive. Priest’s run was good, but there were parts where he overstepped in this overarching world view thing, and his world building became interesting, but his characterization tanked because suddenly it was like he no longer had control of

And, something I found really good, when he rejects the advances of one of his Dora Milaje, she flips out and stalks him, terrorizes people he knows, and tries to kill more than a few people. All cause he said, “No.”

They are subhuman trash who should be wiped out!

I always wondered about the problem with brooding.

See, here’s the thing: happy characters aren’t interesting. Happy people tend not to be in conflict, or if there is some “conflict” dregged up, it’s usually incredibly superficial and asinine like, “Oh, no, I have too much cake to it! Woe unto me!”

Conflict tends to

It’s not flirting with bigotry. It roofied bigotry, dragged it outside for a no lube gangbang, and then took pictures and posted them on Reddit.

Unfathomable reserves of self loathing and flagellation from from your brain, your shoulders, your legs, from every part of a body honed for ten long years—flow, meld, and merge into one place—into your skin—until it begins to smoulder and glow—until it becomes like unto—a thing of WHITE GUILT.

And just for the record,

That man’s voice. *fans self*

Or a mutation that gave him real parents that loved him.

Get your eyes checked? Read more? I dunno what to tell you. Literally spells it out.

My voice? Ah which voice would that be. Go on, tell me.

And no, I really don’t think we disagree on what coerce means, you just see your fainting couch protests as righteous. The argument you make was seen coming, and I actually had already written a reply, but I opted to scrap it, but the abriged followed thusly:


And that, exactly, is the problem. As NDT pointed out, when you give people who are (effectively) crazy a platform, no matter how outlandish their claims or belief is, you spread it, even if it’s to only a few more people. And, fortunately/unfortunately we live in a age where information is readily available...but

And I have. Fancy that. Just like I didn’t support the terribly written social drivel of the later Borderlands games. Just like I opt to not support anything that I disagree with, but I also don’t wish to see them changed to suit my tastes. I will front no hashtags, nor make any petitions to change something that is

Humans, actually, do not have a tenuous relationship with morality. We can see that through time. Look into Sam Harris. He has some interesting things to say about science and morality, but the very brief, very abridged version is that we can pretty make a pretty solid case for an objectively good morality. I will

So, you think it is morally right and good to dictate what gets created, what gets shown, if there is no objective harm? And, really, at what point does how much you “dislike” a work become a reason to try and censor a creator, to push your ideals instead of letting them present theirs? The mindset in which that even

Editing for quality is one thing. Editing for social pressure is another. When a creator, any creator, has to fear backlash from an audience there becomes, to my mind, a sense of distrust. Is this being done because this is the creator’s vision, what they actually wanted to make, or is this what we are being presented

Burkas for all, mirite? #SJW4LYFE

Tashigi/Smoker under the effect of Shambles was pretty close. Though to be fair, Tashigi is like the most modestly busted of the OP characters. Poor girl.