
Mansplaining? Unless, of course, you meant that in a non-insulting context that was not directed at a particular gender, in which case, let me get my popcorn because I’m sure the gymnastics are going to be fantastic.

Makes claims about bigotry, uses sweeping generalization and gendered insults to back up point.


I named at least one other character that was I was annoyed with that they retconned their sexuality, and even made the statement that it is BAD PRACTICE to do that same thing to anyone. Do I need to list every character to which it has happened to make the statement more valid? Is that really the extent of counter

You remember when most of the mutant died, and even the ones that survived had their mutant gene wiped? That’s why it would be impactful. First, if they are steralized at a genetic level, those genes can’t be passed on. As Beast found during post House of M, it’s not something you can “repair” if it’s not there. On

Exceedingly powerful telepath. Very competent telekinetic. Can turn into diamond and be invulnerable at will. What, about those three things, says she needs to wear anything else, exactly?

Except it is?

See, here’s the bit: The X-Books have a long, long history of being incredibly inclusive and diverse. Always have been. No one is complaining about that, what they are upset about, and rightly so, is an author coming in well after the character’s creation and saying, “Teehee, he’s totes gay now.” I’m bi,

Or he could be using the example proven by Mass Effect. True, there’s no proof yet, but he’s right in that case. Why is it your first option would be to denigrate what he’s saying instead of looking at the statement and where he’s coming from?

Actually, in the case of Mass Effect, data Bioware pulled proved exactly that: the most played version of Shepard was the male version, however on the Bioware forums, the people who actually made hue and cry about their being a lack of representation/marketing/whatever played FemShep.

The picture really exemplifies my reaction to the character: Jacob is cocky, but reactionary and funny. Evie is kind of a snide bitch. With daddy issues.

That’s why I asked. I actually forgot that there are encyclopedia entries because I usually read them at the end, so I don’t have to run around randomly collecting things to get all the entries. Thank you for pointing that out.

Sometimes friends aren’t friends. Mute ‘em.

I would posit it’s mostly because people like Sarkeesian tend to paint things wholly in one way—often in direct contradiction to empirical evidence otherwise. Look at it this way: when various governmental figures were like, “video games are bad, they cause violence! Columbine kids played video games! That’s proof!”

Maybe find a new hobby, then? I mean, if I find something about an activity I don’t like, I just, you know, don’t do it, instead of complaining about it. Maybe I’m weird, and don’t feel the need to try to force the world to cater to me.

Is it ever stated that Ned is trans? I mean, unless there is something that happens later on, it’s a woman who has taken the identity of man, presumably because it allows her to do what she’s doing easier.

That’s the same as Mary Reade in Black Flag. She wasn’t trans, she was a woman who took a male identity because…

There. Actually, London was what you could described as “pretty fuckin’ white” but that’s not unusual. There really isn’t that much of a census from that time period, but you are looking at (relatively speaking) small numbers of “people of color” (because anything not

Because Marvel can’t pat its head and rub its tummy at the same time. Remember the whole thing with the two Thors? Where is Odinson now? He sure as shit doesn’t have his own comic. Because, rather than, I don’t know, doing something interesting with a character and giving him an arc they’re just like, “Nah, boobs.”

As a fighter, there was a lot I liked about it, but a lot I didn’t. Mostly it’s in the way hits connect. It feels very...floaty, especially with Evie. She breaks arms and dislocates shoulders, and it never translates to he body, so the impact just seems like she’s pushing air. There’s no sense of impact or mass. A lot

Every year for the last several years, I hold a holiday for people I call Holiday Orphans, people who don’t have family or significant others to spend holiday time with. It’s grown pretty much year over year, and not to brag, but it’s the best damn food I eat every year.

There’s people of all different ethnic

Bara is the hottest.

Oh, honey, they don’t individually render strands of white people hair. I mean, they might in CG, but we’re talking, average, in game engine that would be insane and also stupid. What they do, is they simulate movement with textured locks...this is sometimes hella obvious in something like FFXIII. You’ll see there are