
Nothing better than schoolgirls and mecha, I say.

How, exactly, are you defining “headlining”? There is no Marvelous MJ comic. She’s a possible love interest/foil for another main character, but she is, as ever, will be a secondary character, who serves specific literary functions. You know how we can tell she’s a secondary character? One More Day happened.

But still an opinion. That’s sort of the point. Sexualization and objectification are opinion only, they are subjective, not objective. Point: Daddy Ryu was an object of sexual lust for many of the gaymer community, not “boyfriend material.”

Secondary character.

I love BC so goddamn hard. I liked comics before, but it made me love them. Garrison, Monika, Bretto...ugh...Mad’s art and Liquid’s coloring...It gives me an art boner just thinking about it!

This will be excellent, so long as FFXV doesn’t come out before it’s done...Stupid Mad.


So far from what I’ve played, I’m enjoying the game. *shrug* The controls accomplish what I want them to do, so I’m not sure what is frustrating about them. Anyway, thus far it’s a good time.

One shit headline is as bad another.

Blah blah male characters aren’t sexualized....blah blah male power fantasy...blah blah blah sexualization....yada yada objectification...whatever whatever feminism.

Did I miss any of the salient points?

Here’s a mountain of salt to go with this article.

Kotaku knows all about terrible “reporters” who fail to disclose things, so I trust Totilo’s assessment on that subject. XD

The market speaks.

The solution is, unfortunately, mostly impossible. It requires that we, all of us, stop being mentally lazy. We have to stop saying, “This person did/said something I disagree with, SHAME THEM!” We have to stop stop relying on stereotypes to be our litmus test for justice, and we have to stop lashing out every time

Oh, it’s filled, is it? What percentage? Tell me. Give me a number. Give me something more than what it is absolutely typical: a few loud voices that actually mean what they say, and others who annoy people for kicks and someone using those as justification to make blank statements about a group they disagree with.


Ohkay, so long as we are aware that in group thinking and confirmation bias might have a little to do with that. Glad we are on the same page. I mean, that’s never lead to any sort of bias or bigotry, and always works out well in the end.

So, when you are doing the othering, it is moral and just. When someone else does it, they are evil and wrong? Morality is funny.

The more I see this, the more it kind of bothers me. The self-righteous defense of how “we” do things, versus how “they” are only worth ridicule and mockery. I mean, I remember growing up that it was this exact same thought process, it was it was geeks who were getting shit on, and that really hasn’t changed, it’s

unsocial, self-absorbed, arrogant little tyrants that make fandom a less fun place”

So, you know, pretty much every obsessed fan for everything? I mean, have you looked at the bacterial culture of fandom that is Tumblr? I willingly invoke Godwin’s Law about how fandoms are enforced...and not just by the dreaded cis

Priest is kind of amazing. It’s nice that he doesn’t dumb things down. He used race as a story point, not a story crutch/bludgeon like, say, Willow.