
Or it could be that one team just outplayed another...I mean, sure, it doesn’t have the Disney tagline, but seriously, I think you might be a little too starry-eyed in your assessment as to why they won.

Question: Is there a better place to be buried?

The notion of the Damsel in Distress is thrown around too much and has lost any meaning. And it’s nonsensical to say that she gets captured and “has no choice” to help Batman free her. Unless you mean the other choice is for her to not help at all, which is...a choice, yes, but it doesn’t seem very wise. Also, I’m

Actually, since Catwoman assists in getting her freedom, she’s not a damsel in distress. She’s not powerless, she just can’t leave a location. And, I gotta say, I secretly think part of her doesn’t want to because she wants the Batbone.

Why, exactly, do we want aesthetically unappealing people in games? I mean, I’m not an attractive human, so why would I want to see my own insecurities writ large and played out for all the world to see? I don’t want the reminder that, “Oh, yeah, you are totally overweight and ugly, but you know what, YOU can be a

Or just, you know, don’t play the shitty game and find something that gives you the options you want. Like a fucking adult.

I’m always curious about the people who write about how offended they are about the content or art style of a game. I guess the vomiting of righteous indignation has always been a thing, but it seems odd that video games attract a particularly vocal sort who, while not outright condemning something (that would be

I think if my twin 7 year old daughters beg me to play the Evil Within for them, I don’t think they’ll have a problem with this.

So you mean it is basically going to keep the lights on for Gawker? :D

Yay. It’s wonder woman. Watch me twirl my finger in happiness. Maybe she’ll fight...who does wonder woman fight again? Does she have villains?

Sigh. Just...sigh.

Oh, the internets. So much outrage, so little understanding.

Well, despite what we may wish, genres mean something and, generally, those meanings are pretty broad. Secret of Man is an ARPG, so is Vagrant Story, so is Torchlight, so is VP. Even something like Mass Effect or Valkyria Chronicles. Most people are like you, in that they probably lean more toward one-side of the

Uh...VP was an action RPG...specifically an action platformer RPG.

I’m looking forward to reading the hand-waving reasons she doesn’t get punched in the stomach first thing.

Further proof that Marvel has completely watered down the concept of thor. It shouldn’t even be a proper noun at this point.

I wasn’t aware that SpaceX was stopping other companies from entering the industry. That’s news. When did that happen?

Or are you imply that if you were in charge, you would be making a company to rival SpaceX in this particular endeavor?

Ah, Kotaku bitterness. I am content.


Wait, so Evan has a personal disinterest in this, but he gets away with it? A poster has a disinterest in said disinterest, and suddenly it’s white penises? Oh, wow...nah, SJWs TOTALLY aren’t about silencing people who disagree with them.