Bisexual. Funny, get hate on from straight and gay people for that, too. People hate us fuckers in the middle.
Bisexual. Funny, get hate on from straight and gay people for that, too. People hate us fuckers in the middle.
Go ahead and explain that to me.
Get some reading comprehension then, I guess. Or, if you actually have a question, feel free to ask, but I sorta don’t think you do.
I’m mixed race, grew up in the south, it was a blast. I mean that with scathing sarcasm. One thing I learned is this: there is racial hatred on both sides, and if you happen to exist on both sides, you’ll get it from everyone. It sucks, but that’s what it is. Racism fuels so much, but it’s not a good guy, bad guy…
This just in: Chun-Li has had a boobjob, and that is why her breasts do not move at all. The fighter is reported as saying, “I just wanted a little more up top!” Sources say that contact with these immobile monstrosities have produced sounds such as ting and thunk.
Congrats, I knew it was coming, and you didn’t disappoint!
You know, it would be nice to come to Kotaku just once and find an article that doesn’t look like it’s just some horrible, circular human centipede of Polygon. Hooray for homogeneous views, I guess.
Where is Seven Deadly Sins? I need my Ban and Diane!
But the question then becomes if you and your others offer a sustainable revenue stream. It is, after all a business, and if you can sell a hundred units to people who want that realistic armor versus 1000 units to the more ecchi oriented crowd...which do you choose? I mean, sure, if you are in a financial position to…
Here is the difference, as I’ve seen it.
Someone who likes the more ecchi series says, “Yay! More of this thing I like!”
Someone who doesn’t, the tendency seems to be, “Ugh. Eyeroll. Disparaging remark. Complaint.”
The vast majority of the people who want the more “realistic armor” (which is never actually realistic, but…
You know what would make for a good article? “Look, here’s a new Tales game! These are the features!” instead of, you know, making what the main character has between their legs the focus of the piece. Is it a good game? Who cares! Female!
The biggest problem I have with Marvel right now is not the direction they are going, but the way they are going about it. This is not “all new” as advertised, as they are rehashing the identity of heroes that they already have. It shows a marked lack of creativity.
We have Hulk, Hulk has his own mythos. You want…
Yeah, because things that are awful never sell well!
I read the first five issues of Ms. Marvel, and I don’t think I’ve ever actually been offended at a lack of character before, but somehow they managed to make her boring, lame, and awfully written all at once.
Oh, good, I thought it would be a decent secret, like why the fuck real Thor is suddenly “unworthy.” But no, bullshit continues, and cancerbait still has no logical reason for being Thor except reasons. GG, Marvel. I can only assume at this point it’s never going to be revealed because there’s never going to be a…
Um...instead of the petulant whining “my mommy made me clean my room and I dun wanna” why not just not cover the fucking game and spare us the goddamn woe is me melodrama?
OMG you guise! I had to PUSH A BUTTON to make a choice about the gender of my character because, like, it didn’t just KNOW that I wanted to be a girl. FUCKING PATRIARCHY.
Dicks need more love.
It is, in it’s own way, a way of forced vulnerability. Like it or not, many men have a good chunk of their self-esteem tied up in their dick. It is a core part of their identity. I think (and this is just my hypothesis) is that by showing someone your dick as a greeting is pretty much bearing the single most…
I think the breasts are perfectly reasonably sized. None of them are nipple on a rib, if that’s what you are looking for, but hardly unrealistic except in buoyancy.