
Feeling bad isn't enough. You have to hate your body now because you can't distinguish before fantasy and reality, because "idealized" means "this needs to be you." Well? Go on. I don't have time to sit around and have you be all not...mal-adjusted.

Targeting reticle.

Oh, see, I thought you were just ignorant, not deliberately obtuse. My bad. Carry on.

Yeah, it really is awful when there needs to be due process to get in the way of gut reactions to things, and that things like evidence have to be weighed versus feelings. I mean, think of all the time we could save if we could just off people because they deserved it or something. The world would know true,

Far more complex system, so that makes sense.

*yaawwn* Do your arms get tired, beating that dead horse?

I mean, if you actually, I dunno, played games, maybe you'd see there was way more than gruff white dude in the lead, but that would require you to actually care about games that aren't plastered all over pasteboard at GameStop and maybe branch out into

I'll say it again: Ms. Marvel is fucking awful. The writing is terrible and ham-handed. In the first five issues, I couldn't care about the main character, because she's basically a mouthpiece for Tumblr. She's not human, she's an agenda mouthpiece, and a shitty one at that. Her power is terrible and

I do, on a regular basis, and it's one of life's many pleasures. Thank you for the suggestion!

Rape! Such a taboo subject! Don't laugh! He said rape! Oh noes! Rape!

Hey, here's a joke:
Someone who types for a living is called a typist.
What do you call someone who raps for a living?

Brought to you by your local friendly not-a-stick-in-the-mud rape and sexual assault survivor and minority.

Somehow Consentacle makes sex sound boring. That's utterly amazing.

I applaud this article! Saga is fucking amazing, but that's not why I'm applauding this article. Not a single one of these reasons has to do with reading this because of some representation quota. You actually gave reasons to read a book based on the merits of the book, not because how many female characters there

I can't wait to play this game, just so I can enjoy the vicarious hand-wringing and moral panic. Good fucking job, DC. I tip my hat to you. If people want Gone Home, give it to 'em, so long as this gets an equal standing.

Waah? Relationships should be gamified, because that's how the real world works. There are penalties and rewards for your actions. Sure, you may wanna gussy it up and act like the pig is wearing a goddamn dress, but that's how it works. Let's say you are a selfish prat: if all you do is take, your rwarding

Well, growth is absolutely necessary for a good character arc. Fundamental, even. That's why I think the blasting the notion of the damsel in distress literary convention is such a bad idea, mostly because it only fails if you take it literally, which it's not supposed to be. I mean, most seniors in high school

I could only be more happy if a Skies of Arcadia sequel was announced. Or an HD remake of Xenogears.

That first statement doesn't ring true with me, but that may be because I'm not female. She grew as a person, as someone who is capable and dangerous. Those traits are universal, not specific to female, I think. Then again, it's similar with male characters. They become...more...clever, smart, dangerous, whatever.

My comment! Literally FIRST FUCKING SENTENCE: "Other characters in Marvel Heroes that have also been mass murderers:" And, yes, the article made the most oblique fucking reference to other characters, but the goddamn article is, as the headline states about a PARTICULAR FUCKING CHARACTER being introduced to a

I thought the whole point of the first arc of TR was that Lara was helpless, but being helpless, being weak and scared, didn't stop her. She fought against the hopelessness of the situation. She did not embrace being a victim, which you would think would be a very feminist thing to portray, but without victimhood,

Are you always retarded, or just especially when you are wrong? Or maybe English isn't your first language and you have some trouble with reading comprehension?

If you can't wrap your head around how this was a discussion about people who are murderers on a large scale that are also a part of the fucking game in