
That's a funny way of spelling, "I don't know anything about the game or the context of the discussion, but I'm going to butt in anyway and not provide anything of note."

Interchangeability is not an issue, but would the loud "feminist" voices really be quelled if every game had an either/or option? I honestly don't think they would, but I don't have a particularly high opinion of their ability to know what they want, nor of their ability to be satisfied. And as for what's wrong with

Only two words can describe my first character: clown hooker.

Well, thank you, then.

I never know now if people are using bro as term of sincerity or sarcasm.

She did it under two different influences, the first of the Phoenix, the second of Mastermind. Hooray for Dark Phoenix. Wanda's was a self-willed act because she got tired of the conflicts around here, which she viewed as the fault of the mutants (because of dear old dad's enemies).

I think you are overstating the importance of Lilith, as she pretty much deferred to Roland, who actually had experience leading people. Also, I'd say all of the characters were pretty well developed equally, at least as far as the four original characters go. Further more, I can't really say that that "any BioWare

Also not Marvel, but sure.

Leaders often don't "actively participate" but he lead the Marauders, and suffering doesn't erase what he did, atonement isn't a one-time action. You can think it's unfair, but I'm not changing my opinion because innocents died as a result of his actions which lead to him putting them in direct danger. It's not like

The only reason I say he's not is because Galactus is a universal force for balance. He's necessary. *shrug*

I love Gambit, but being complicit in the murder of innocents is pretty bad. He lead the Marauders. Same with Silver Surfer, and it's arguable he's even less guilty because Galactus is a natural force of balance. I'm not condemning him, or anyone on this list, merely stating can't deny their parts in the

Eh, you have your opinions, I have mine. I wouldn't consider it a few bad apples when it's been done over and over again, throughout history. Even SHIELD has an army of Sentinels now, so...

Still a mass murderer, and Psylocke is an assassin. She is a "reformed" killer. And unwitting or not, he still participated, he just left afterwards.

Guy characters a lot of time are awful. They are very often just groups of cliches strung together, because video games, as I said, aren't very often seen as a medium that requires serious writing effort.

Well, let's see...Gambit has been Death, as in the Horseman, and also participated in the Morlock Massacre when he was a Maurader, so there's that.

Psylocke has also been Death, and she's an assassin.

Dark Phoenix after being corrupted/controlled by Mastermind. But yes.

I mentioned it after the fact. The list was far from comprehensive.

As I stated to someone else, she committed very literal genocide, in that she removed the mutant gene from people against their will...she removed the thing that made them mutants, very nearly all of them. It is arguably semantics, but it would be like turning 99% of humans into chimps. Sure, they are alive, but

I'm taking the context around the events of House of M. Anything after is whatever, know...comics.

Actually, when she murdered millions, she had just been corrupted by Mastermind, and she was the aspect of the Dark Phoenix, which was than ego? I think that's the way it goes. Regardless, Dark Pheonix was, I feel, more Jean with her proverbial hair down, given waaaay too much power and no moral compass.
